:mnm: :mnm:WE HAVE BEEN ON 27 BOOBS CRUISES AND NO TWO THE SAME. YOU WILL NOT BE DISSAPOINTED!!!!!:lotsofmichaelfs:GLENN:aktion025: :flagcanada:
Yes we've found on recent trips that hardly anyone (sometimes nobody) wants to snorkel and we have passed on that. If we've got a handful of folks who want to snorkel then I feel we should let them do it, after all everyone else can still party on the boat. However, I'm not always on the cruise these days.
I thought that too, you don't HAVE to snorkel if you don't want to. But I must say that in the end no one seemed upset. So alls well that ends well. Jamie
I wasnt there but my wife said they left at lunch time, just walked off and got a taxi without telling anyone. We found out through the restaurant staff who saw them go.
Bit like the old saying you can please some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time but you can't please all of the people all of the time? :flaguk:
Even though my wife wasn't feeling well it was still the highlight of our trip. What an amazing time with a great group of people.