V - please read my post about the fact that brand names have standards that the producers need to adhere to and that will (for a second time today) explain why some products from China are of a better standard than others particularly in the big stores. That being said - if you think some of the things they sell in Walmart are of a good quality you must have very low standards. I appreciate good quality - maybe you don't mind the more "throw away" kind of products sold in Walmart, the bad quality utensils etc. in your eyes they may well seem to be of a high standard. I guess it depends what you are used to and financial means as to what you can afford. To me many of the Chinese made products are very shabby in Walmart.
Same here, and I don´t buy them. The Chinese seem to manufacture anything the human mind can conceive: just look at Triunfo! Amazing range of products there, many of which are perfectly made to suit the purpose for which they were intended. "Made in China" doesn't to me imply bad quality, per se. The "along with other things" part of my comment was making allowance for the fact that they will probably display anything they think there will be a market for.
Welcome Dragon Mart The standoff is working in Dragon Mart's favor. The locals are going to find that the light in the tunnel is a train headed straight for them. There is one person in Mexico that can and will get everybody off high center and he has a resolution date circled on his calendar.
Concerning the mega project called Dragon Mart, just south of Cancun and just north of Puerto Morelos: DERECHOS HUMANOS | CEMDA HUMAN RIGHTS "The right to a healthy environment is a human right recognized in the Constitution of the United Mexican States and the Additional Protocol to the American Convention on Human Rights in the Area of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights."... ------------------------------------------------------------------------- With the below historical records, why would Mexico want to join with Communist China to economically benefit the few while destroying the human rights of the many. It is a matter of political corruption masked as an economic benefit. ------------------------------------------------------------- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pollution_in_China ...16 of the world's 20 most polluted cities are in China.[1][2]... [1] "The Most Polluted Places On Earth". CBS News. 2010-01-08. Retrieved 2013-01-21. The Most Polluted Places On Earth - CBS News [2] "Air Pollution Grows in Tandem with China's Economy". NPR. Retrieved 2013-01-21. Air Pollution Grows in Tandem with China's Economy : NPR ... In 2011, China produced 2.3 million tonnes of electronic waste, second largest in the world.... ...but much electronic waste is improperly handed.[7] [7] Mitch Moxley, "E-Waste Hits China", Inter Press Service, 2011 http://ipsnews.net/news.asp?idnews=56572 ... Chinese environmental experts in 2005 issued another report, estimating that annual premature deaths attributable to outdoor air pollution were likely to reach 380,000 in 2010 and 550,000 in 2020.... ... In 2007: The Chinese cities Linfen and Tianying were the world's two most polluted cities according to Time Magazine[38] TIME, The World's Most Polluted Cities The World's Most Polluted Places - TIME --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With the above historical records, why would Mexico want to join with Communist China to economically benefit the few while destroying the human rights of the many. It is a matter of political corruption masked as an economic benefit.
Yeah really; go figure. God, don't you wish we weren't so naive as to believe leaders' pockets don't get lined with cash, no matter whether it's Mexico, China, the U. S., or Canada.
Chinese Dragon Mart Cancun Will Affect Puerto Morelos Marine Park | Ocean Futures Society The above shows a great aerial photo of the trees cut, etc..
China IS very polluted in general, but honestly: What does Chinese cities have to do with them building a complex in Mexico? Linfen, for example, is an industrial city, with approx 3 000 000 residents and is situated in Chinas "coal belt". You cant really compare that to a shopping mall in Pto Morelos in Mexico... "In 2011, China produced 2.3 million tonnes of electronic waste, second largest in the world....". USA, I assume, took the number 1 spot? We are neighboring countries, connected by a wide and long border... Scary, huh? I dont like the idea of Dragon Mart(the size and location), but if people are going to compare by using "fear tactics", at least use propaganda that is not completely off the chart. I doubt that Pto Morelos will ever become a new Linfen, Tianying or Beijing.
Dragon Mart's construction permits and uso de suelo have been denied by the Municipio. They can appeal of course, but for now, Dragon Mart is dead.
Sounds like the oh so nice and corruption free Wal Mart are involved in the temporary shut down of Dragon Mart. One bucket of crap for another bucket of crap, thus. Also, very strange and sad that the damage to the environment has already been done. Why would it be partially approved, to the point of clearing valuable jungle, only to later be shut down? I doubt Dragon Mart is dead "forever" though...