Mixture I enjoy a bit of everything, what i like in the mornings around the pool is different to what I like at midnight in pattios lol... the old stuff great to sing along to and the new chart stuff fun to dance to.. woop gangnam style lol
Stacia likes to shaker her ass to the Rap/Dance/Hip-Hop blend stuff, like Enrique Iglesias' stuff, and PitBull, and since I like to have and watch her do that, I'm down with that. But, for me, I enjoy the rock the best.
We agree with all the comments of hearing the same songs over and over...I believe most of us there believe variety (in many aspects of live) is a very good thing!!!!!!!
The music the DJs were playing Feb. 20-24, 2013 was perfect!! We haven't had that much fun dancing in years! It certainly seemed they were watching the crowd, and customizing the music for the ages of the people dancing. Please tell them thank you, and please don't change a thing! :icon_biggrin:
I loveeeeee Reggaeton. But top 20, 90s dance (especially 1991, 1992), rock, and a little country here and there is perfect!
If its got a great beat and makes us dance and :bootyshake: :mnm: its all good. But if its all about my wife left me and took my truck and I need to go back down a coal mine. Then Neils gonna:blueshock:
Heres McKenzis two suggestions... scream and shout http://youtu.be/kYtGl1dX5qI Thrift Shop http://youtu.be/QK8mJJJvaes
I love more 80's music, alway love the days round the pool when they play old mixes of 80's and 90's stuff. Beats Boom Boom Boom.