About to retrun for our 6th trip to TTR and have tried a few different ways to call home (to Canada) to check in while away (only becuase we must...little ones with Granny!)...Roaming on CDN cell phone (ridiculous cost)...Calling card from the variety store (works really well...used it on a number of trips)...WiFi at TTR (decent)...but recently on a trip to Jamaica this past Christmas tried something new...bought a local sim card + International Calling Plan (1200 mins for 10 US)! worked great....SO my question...just ordered a Telcel Sim Card for Mexico...anyone know of a plan with minutes which would work to call from Mexico to Canada / US? Cost or name of Plan? Tough reading the site...its entirely in spanish! Thanks folk....
I call rogers and get the international call plan on my cell phone for 70 bucks, then I can get texts and receive phone calls. Every time I try and call out it never works. Its 75 texts or something like that, and 400 minutes? I forget honestly, Will be doing it shortly again.
Thanks pal for the info...I have done that once before also think it was $40 for 40 mins or something like that...I think the price has gone up even more now! Thus the try for a mexican sim + plan...+ the convienence of having 3G/4G internet/mail on your phone...if priced decently like in Jamaica (Digicel)...if there isn't such a plan bt Telcel...may just revert back to the calling card...just hate the short drunk walk over to the variety store...if I can do it from my cell!
I like to keep in touch with my son and maintain routine even when I am on vacation, and my work pays for the international plan so it works out.