I am in the gym every day 5 days a week, during contest time its 10-15+ times a week, yup doubles and triples on occasion. But im with you, I am bound to gain weight if I dont keep it in check. In reality I should be loosing 3-5 on this trip, but in honesty it may not happen, but I CANT COME BACK HEAVIER! I guess only time will tell. We are there Feb 18-25
I'm planning on hitting the gym while I'm down there but for some reason I just don't think its going to happen haha. If I do I'll keep you company.
You guys are going to heaven for a vacation... wtf are you worried about calories for? Oh well that only means more alcohol infussed whipped cream for me and the ladies to share.... I love my FUPA
What kind of show are you doing? I do shows too and I never give myself more than 16 weeks of dieting. I'm 265 now and will be 220 at 5% body fat by April doing a tenth of the cardio and weights 4-5 days a week. One week of drinking won't hurt you, especially that far out! Just don't tell your trainer... Not trying to be rude...just appears that your trainer might be over training you... My wife does something similar and drops weight for our trip and we both have very slow metabolisms. We've never been to the gym there and can usually get back to where we were within a week after. Just giving you something to think about....good luck with your show prep!!
The wife and I made a valiant effort to hit the gym while we were there... Didn't last long. If you tip the omlette girl she will give you all egg whites. I eat a 6 egg white omlette twice a day when I'm in clean mode. Lisa and I train our asses off most of the year, so when we are at Temptations, we definitely give in to all the Temptations!!:headbanger:
I will be doing yoga at a minimum, and I know I will feel like complete shit if I don't so that is motivation enough. I have several of my DVD's loaded on my iPad, just need to see if they will have a mat I can use because I won't have room in my suitcase for mine to bring with me. Cool story from tonight - went to hot yoga, which I have been doing for the last 3 weeks instead of regular yoga (which I dabbled in the past year, up until Oct. when I got great advice to really ramp up the yoga to improve my running, which it has). Anyway, at my hot yoga class, I broke into tears when I was able to do both sets of the lord of the dance or bow pose without dropping my raised leg - that is HUGE for me, especially with a 20 year old hip injury that really affects my balance when only on my right leg. I was so jazzed, and the funny thing was that because it was hot yoga, the sweat dripping down my face hid the tears from everyone else - felt better than the first time I ran 5K without stopping (I was hysterical when I got home!!) - anyway, practice makes perfect and I am going to keep up my daily routine in Mexico, giving myself a break on travel days and maybe on the Boobs Cruise day - we'll see! Here is the pose I am talking about, and it is harder than it looks:
That is dedication. With that kind of commitment I am sure you will manage to keep it realitvely under control for the week. I on the other hand bust my ass leading up to a vacation because no matter what I gain about 10lbs. My metabolism sucks and everything goes straight to the gut. Our trip last year I ran 5k+ three times during the week and all my drinks had diet soda in them but still gained those 10lbs. At least the one benifit I do have that Jacquie hates is that within a week of our return I take the most of the vacation weight back off.
To maybe help people relax about gaining weight on a week vacation (not talking about the people training for something, just the average TTR'r), it's almost impossible to gain (or lose) more than a couple of pounds in a week. Now I definitely know the scale can say a lot more than that, but as an example I often "gain" 5 pounds between Friday morning and Monday morning. Of course it's gone by Wednesday morning, so it wasn't real weight gain, just, ahem, inflow/outflow variation over the days of debauchery. At a basic level, gaining a pound means taking in about 3,500 more calories than you burn. So to gain even a pound a day on vacation would mean consuming about 2-3 TIMES as many calories as you normally do, every day you're there. So relax. Have another piece of bacon. And another drink. :mnm: