There are always plenty of body shots in week 8. Just let the swim up bartender know your plans. He watches for security and let's you know when the coast is clear. I think he likes pouring the piña colada mix on the women especially with my hubby's direction. Sometimes it's a hubby feast, sometimes it's a female buffet and others it's a free for ALL! :azzangel:
Why would security care that we were doing body shots, have you seen the whip cream pool shenanigan pictures?
From TR's it seems to have become a non-issue recently, but about 2 years or so ago some groups of guys got out of control and there were lots of reports of security cracking down on all kinds of stuff for at least a couple of months. The pics I think you're talking about are from last February where security was completely fine with our "body shot raft" in the middle of the pool. I'm sure it helped that it was almost all couples that had been hanging out together, and we were letting the solo guys that wandered up know that it wasn't a free-for-all. A rowdy group of pushy guys would've ended the fun I'm sure. Bottom line, security can stop anything at any time for any reason, and sometimes that includes body shots. But other than complaints about overzealousness for those couple of months, I think most everyone thinks they do a great job of balancing letting things go with avoiding out-of-control situations. We're counting on friendly security again, 'cause I'm bringing the raft. :icon_biggrin:
Wow, a body shot raft? Never thought about that - but we are TTR newbies. Sounds...incredible. We're there 22-27 so hopefully someone is bringing a raft and we can do this. We're totally game!
We have some overlap days 19-22 so I am sure we will find you. What time of day is best? after Lunch one would assume. Also assume there will be 2-3-4 couples around you and said raft in the pool. Also assume sexy pool not quiet pool