Have to admitt the price has sky rocketed hear in the uk to more than double of what i have actually paid im just glad that i booked it in may when i did
This is our first trip there, but its not uncommon to pay 1000 per week at any hotel in cancun. I used to stay at the barcelo down near Talum with my family, it was normal to pay 1600-2200 per ticket per person (even when they are 4 years old) Trips in most cases run 5-8k for a family of 4. So spending 3600 to hit TTR is normal for me. Last year we hit Hola Grand Faro in Cabo San Jose, just 20 mins south of cabo san lucas if you know the area and we paid 1100 each. I would agree though, if its a hotel that you frequent and know the prices, 200 bucks is not too bad as overage, 1000 bucks a head might be a bit much. SEE YOU THERE!
I couldn't agree more and I check daily... I've been thinking about this for some time. I remember last year there were a few bad trip reports on Trip Advisor and it seemed the cost went down. All these great reports I think we will see the prices keep going up.
The solution is clearly for Steve to make this a private forum - no new members starting today! :icon_mrgreen: Seriously, though, I doubt we impact the price at TTR that much. In econo-geek terms, a vacation at TTR is a good with no real substitutes to most of the regular Cancuncare members. That means for us, price has little impact on demand. i.e., we'll find a way to pay for our TTR fix! Now if a resort's total clientele felt that way, then our (cancuncare members') collective actions could certainly jack up the price. BUT, and this is just a poorly-to-moderately-informed guess, I bet most of the people who go to TTR consider other Cancun or Caribbean resorts to be reasonably good substitutes. So as the price goes up, the resort loses out on the less-hardcore TTR freaks, who go to Disney's Cancun Adventure and take pics with Dora instead. So TTR has to keep prices down enough to fill up with those folks even after CC people get their rooms. I suspect any increases over the last year have to do with something bigger-picture - shifts in vacation patterns worldwide, maybe some resorts closed down in Cancun or elsewhere nearby??, or if you're looking at package prices, airlines have definitely reduced capacity in the last few years, driving up prices. We saw about a 15% increase over last year, but that was mostly in the airfare, and as the Feb roll call shows, there is a TON of CC action in the week we booked.
i think throught the year prices fluctuate. We $1500 a person for 7 days 3 years ago in april n paid no more than $1200 pp for 9 dayd the last 2 aprils. Prices go up n go down. Just keep an eye on it
The price for our May airfare is up $300 from 2 weeks ago. Not sure about the per night cost at TTR. I found the same thing with airfare for a trip to Dallas that we are planning. It was $520 two weeks ago and now it is $768. And that is two different airlines. :icon_frown:
Not sure why but airfare prices are all over the board now. We booked our airfare 2 weeks ago, I was quite happy with the deal as we have combined 2 vacations and are flying to Miami for a 3 night cruise, then to Cancun for 5 nights, then back to NY, airfare was $525/pp with the times and flights we wanted. Same flights today is $919/pp
The thing that gets me is the travel time - 10 or 11 hrs. when we are use to direct flights for the same price. Ah well wait till after the new year see if things don't come down.