first visit to cancun and to the resort... I always enjoy some gambling on my vacations... does anyone know if the playboy casino is still open ? if not any other ones within approximity? thanks
Thank god for that. Costs twice as much to go to Cancun than vegas. if ya want big flashy casinos than go to Vegas. :aktion054::crab:
My curiosity got to me about what happened to this place. My visit in feb 2011 was very weird. They went nuts when I pulled out s cell phone and the oversite of the games (I was playing hold em) was limited at best. Had a very shady feel. So I found this article... Definitely shady. November 23, 2011.-This morning there was a strong mobilization of elements of the Navy of Mexico, Fire Department, Civil Defense and Red Cross because of the call that a nearby winery the Playboy Casino, at mile 3.5 of the Hotel Zone was on fire. Security forces and firefighters rushed to the place where they took control of the situation and smothered the fire, reporting an intoxicated person for smoke inhalation. Note that a few months ago the Playboy Casino was closed by the Civil Protection Department since had several irregularities in the prevention of incidents and security as not having fire extinguishers. The area was guarded by the military and various police corps.