1) Pick up some disposable cups (Smart & Final sells them) We like the 2oz size 2) Buy a few small boxes of Jello (4oz size) 3)Follow instructions on back of box replacing the cold water with Vodka or your choice of alcohol like Rum or even Tequila Large boxes will work fine as well - all depends on how many of these you want to make. Small box requires 1 cup (8 fluid oz) of Vodka - large box requires 2-cups (16 fl oz) of Vodka. With a 2oz plastic cup a large box of Jello will make 23-26 servings I'd make a batch of these at home before you go & don't forget your wisk!
In college we used to stop by every Burger King, McDonalds, Friendlys and so on and loaded up on ketchup cups. The party stores usually have them but they are typically over 2 oz's. Look around and you will find what you need. GL
[ame=http://www.Amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=jello+shot+cups]Amazon.com: jello shot cups As well
The coffee makers are the 4-cup size, so you will need 2 boxes of jello for each batch of shots. It is up to you how much liquor you want to add. To make not too strong shots, use just 1 cup of vodka. So you would add 3 cups of water to your coffee maker and turn it on. Then once all 3 cups of water has drained out into the container, add your 2 packages of jello and stir until mixed completely. Then add 1 cup of vodka to that, and pour into plastic shot glasses, chill for 3 hours in your mini-fridge. We prefer Cherry jello and Cake Vodka, good combo. To make stronger shots, use 2 cups water, 2 cups vodka.
1 package of jello 1 cup of hot water 3/4 cup of alcohol 1/4 cup cold water They need to sit on the fridge for four hours at home so with the lousy fridges there. maybe a day or so. Buy the individual containers for them. This will make about 30-40 cups of jello shots. Delicious just had the staff make them for us last year so we could make hundreds. Big tip goes along way.
Restaurant & Bar supply stores also have the jello shot cups. They also have lids for the cups if you want those as well. Here is a margarita jello shot recipe that has always worked well for me at Parrothead parties. I double the amount of liquor and reduce the water appropriately and they still come out fine. Lime Jell-O, large box or two small boxes 2 cups boiling water 1 cup cold water 1/2 cup Tequila 1/4 cup Triple Sec