SLEEP!!!!! :icon_eek::icon_eek: You mean we are allowed to sleep at TTR! Damn! I've been doing something wrong. Now I do sneak in a nap some mornings when I meet the Mayor to reserve chairs around the pool. But SLEEP. Oh well maybe I'll try that this year. :icon_eek::icon_eek:
We have never been but we plan to party hard all day and night for 5 days. We can sleep when we're dead or get back
We've done similar experiments. On our first two trips to TTR, we brought about a dozen RockStar energy shots and consumed one pretty much every evening while we were pre-drinking in our room. The results were spectacular. Unfortunately, local stores in our area all stopped carrying RockStar shots, so we've now switched to 5-Hour. They don't have nearly the kick of the old RockStar ones, but they're available everywhere. Not sure how effective they'll be over the course of a week -- but we'll find out in April! :ernaehrung023:
Anyone know if they sell the 5 hour energy shots in Cancun? I'm assuming walmart would have them. My other go to is an orange Rockstar Recovery in the morning. Here's a question, I've been considering getting the insulated mugs or bubba mugs that everyone talks about. Do you guys that use them find it's easier to overserve yourself during the day when you can get 34 oz. at each trip to the bar? I've always thought having to wait for another drink in the small cups they use might just have helped me keep from tipping over on some days. :ernaehrung005: I do like the idea of being able to keep my beer cold longer and no pool water in my drinks.
get the cup and not worry about tipping over, I'm sure many people will be around to help you with that.
Glenn is a #2. I am none of the above. I party all day, and into the early morning around 3 or 4 am, then sleep 2 or 3 hours, hit the gym by 730 and start it all again.I don't get power naps cause I get to shower and straighten my hair while Glenn naps and watch channel 12. I have been known to sleep 20 hours all week and then sleep on the plane all the way home. I have also been known to get drunk three times a day, sobering up to eat. I occassionally have I am not going out night cause I just need to get out of the heat and sleep alittle. We have a two week trip coming up. Exhaustion is going to be high.