That was well said, and exactly what we did. I went to boot camp 3x per week for 5 months before going to TTR - lost 45 pounds and kicked some serious ass. I didn't gain one single pound on either trip and partied my ass off! I can't work out in that heat/humidity anyway, but that is a side point. The real point is that one week or 5 days isn't going to matter at all if you are generally in shape already. :deadhorse:
Im not in love with the gym but its servicible. Weights are basically like any limited service property, and there is a couple treadmills, a bike and a couple of ellipticals. the problem is that its so humid in there some of the stuff is a little rusty etc. we usually make it once, to say we got there and thats about it.... i would agree that a morning run along the sidewalk would be way to do it.
We generally head out to the sidewalk out front right after breakfast for a 3 to 4 mile brisk walk.....The sidewalks are nice and no one bothers you. It's fun to watch the iguana's that live all along the sidewalk. It's not unusual to see 20 or so on the walk. Only negative I would say is the auto exhaust from the busy roadway but it's not to bad as the ocean breeze usually pushes it the other way.....
We didn't enter the gym last year on our 1 week trip but this year we are going for 2 weeks...I can do alot of damage in 2 weeks through drinking and eating so we have intentions on making use of the facility...something is better than nothing!
Forgo the gym while you are there and let your body rest. The gym is tiny, light dumbells, 1 leverage machine and a smith machine that someone usually takes ownership of. If you really want to work out, do something different outside like isometrics or order this [ame=] Black Mountain Products Resistance Band Set with Door Anchor, Ankle Strap, Exercise Chart, and Resistance Band Carrying Case: Sports & Outdoors and take it with you.
Not sure bout others, but I know when I skip more than 3 days in the gym I start to feel like ass. Wife reports the same thing, I'm not fitness junkie either, I eat shitty and drink a lot - but protein bars and water fix that as long as I work out.
I'm sure we'll make one feeble attempt at the gym and then figure out other ways to get some cardio in.
April Addicts beer olympics on the beach????Work out in, beer in....losing articles of!!! Sounds better than the gym doesnt it?