Hi everyone, very nice forum, My wife and I have a few questions about TTR. We will take a short vacation there in a few days and we wonder: - At the lingerie night, we understand that females wears lingerie (kind of ubvious ) but what about males ? What should I bring and wear ? - Is the quiet pool also topless? - My wife as this fantasy of "accidentally flashing" a little (aka going "commando") while not caring that much about some man noticing... how will this be interpretated by the males at TTR ? maybe some other questions will pop up later ... thanks a lot and cant wait to try TTR in a few days !
At lingerie night I just wore some boxers and yes the quiet pool is also topless..and about commando not to sure, never saw it.... have fun!!!
The girls in our group did a no panties night last year, so I don't think going commando will be a problem!
Uh, just to be clear, they weren't walking around completely bottomless, were they? I assume you mean no panties, but with a long shirt or skirt or something covering the private parts... As fun and sexy as TTR is, I don't think going completely bottomless resort-approved...at the pool, Patty O's, or anywhere else...
For lingerie night, I have a pair of silk bed pants and a silk robe that I wear, but we have seen everything from assless chaps, to a sock with a rubberband. It is pretty much anything goes so use your imagination. Warning, you must be wearing SOME sort of lingerie to get in, IE They will not let you in with shorts or pants or something like that on. My wife and I have an agreement that while we are at TTR, she is only to wear panties to and from the resort. She only brings the one pair. So commando is not a problem. She also wears clothes at night at Patty'Os that are shear, so again, not a problem. Her favorite top is made of loose chain mail. TTR provides an atmosphere that allows the exhibitionist to excercise his or her fun in a safe and accepting way. For the most part, the males at TTR are very respectful, but please remember that if you wife is "advertising", expect a certain amount of "buyer interest". *mischevious grin* If your the jealous type (TTR is prob not for you), I would advise against your wife flashing her delicates. If your ok with a bit of extra male attention, then by all means go with it and have a blast. If you choose to follow thru with the fantasy, then be sure to get lots of pics so you can relive the event later on. Hehehe Bottomlessness is not tolerated, but sexiness is encouraged. :flash:
The entire resort is topless, in pool and beach areas, my husband has worn boxers the last three years for lingerie night, but anything goes, but make sure you dress or you won't get in, and a little flashing here and there will be fine, there are a lot of exhibitionists at the resort, although I haven't worked the nerve up myself I definitely enjoy the view :wink3:, have a great trip, once you go once you'll be hooked!! here is a pic of what we girls wore for lingerie night