TO anyone that has to think twice before booking a "booze (boob)" cruise. go for steves and you won't be sorry!!!! Cannot guarantee the other by any means , and if you do book the "other" one, there'll be 100's of us saying~~ we told you so!!!
The cruise on Fridays is apparently a business venture between Chinos, Omar and Mario. We love all 3 of them and we wish them well but, Steves is the one and only!!!
I agree 100 percent..... Steves Cruises have become the highlight of so many peoples trips, Trips that were made better by this website and meeting fellow people from here and then topped off by "The Only" Boobs Cruise in Cancun. I really like Chino and Omar and I would always wish them well, However Steve and his family have become friends and through this website and that great cruise ive made great friends.... My business and advertising and promotions will always be with the "The one and only ORIGINAL" Boobs Cruise
Thanks, this way we can at least try to be there full days on Saturday and Sunday so we have a chance.
I thought about planning our return trip so that we would be there Sat and Sun (to make sure we didnt miss out on Steve's Boob cruise), but it just couldnt happen with the flights. I am hoping that there will be enough people from April 30-May5 to make a mid-week or even a Friday cruise happen for the MAYhem group. I know...too soon to tell, but I already have my fingers crossed!
Thanks for clearing that up, Steve! There is still only one true Boob's Cruise in my opinion and you have my full support! I had a blast on the Oct. 21st Cruise and it was great meeting so many Cancuncare people - great friends - great memories!
''Quote from TTR fb ''Look who came by for a visit? Promoting the new " One & Only" Booze cruise that departs every Friday from Temptation. You don´t want to miss it. This tour is sold exclusively at the towel shack by the sexy pool '' There,s a lot of Booze cruises but there's only one Boobs Cruise
always the highlight our trip to cancun many great memories steve the only boat that went out labor day weekend 2008