I'm there Nov. 26 - Dec 3. Lots of fun people at TTR during your dates. Check out the thread entitled "late November/early December Roll Call" (started by Ibizasue, not an official "roll call" thread). Also check for the list of theme nights posted by Sue (not sure if it is on that thread or on the Dec Roll Call thread...I think it's on both). We have also been discussing having some kind of costume night before Sue arrives on the 28th, possibly on the 26th, but nothing has been sorted out officially yet. And consider joining us for Steve's famous Boobs Cruise on November 27th! Check out the thread for the cruise, which tells you all about the cruises and how to sign up. See you in 4 weeks!
Welcome aboard. We have alot of repeaters during this time and it's an absolute great time. If you'd like to join in here's a list of the theme nights that we have planned so far. We might be throwing in more before hand but those havn't been confirmed yet. tuesday 29th.nov---BACK TO SCHOOL. wednes 30th.nov---DRESS TO IMPRESS thursd 1st dec---lingerie/CASINO friday 2nd dec-WHITE NIGHT/BAR CRAWL OUT OF RESORT.. satur 3rd dec--POOL PARTY AND XMAS THEME sunday 4th dec--RESORT ITALIAN RESTAURANT..GROUP MEAL monday 5th dec--KINKY /FETISH NIGHT...ANYTHING GOES tuesday 6th dec--EASY NIGHT IN PREPARATION FOR BOOB CRUISE. wednes 7th dec.....STEV¨ES BOOB CRUISE. 9am to 6pm...CONFIRMED. thursday 8th dec--lingerie/CASINO friday 9th dec--WHITE PARTY/BACK TO SCHOOL theme. saturday 10th dec..POOL PARTY/XMAS PARTY sunday 11th dec..FINAL SUPPER..RIO STEAK HOUSE IN FRONT OF RESORT..
matchandhalf woo hoo.. look at you karen....... looks like jessie and I have a new helper/organizer ...cant wait to meet you.. its gonna be one hell of a party.. welcome to the mad house.. rkhere4fun xxx:uk1:
LOL...what can I say...I'm a compulsive organizer and a control freak to boot...you should have deduced that from my hijacking of the Boobs Cruise date! I thought you might be busy getting ready for your upcoming holidays, Sue, so I stepped in to point the newbies in the right direction. You and Jesse are still the Grand Poobahs of TTR Cancun. :icon_mrgreen:
We're excited about the trip. Can't wait to see everyone! Sounds like we're in for a good time! artyhorn:
This place is addictive. Your already planning your second trip befoer your first is over. My first trip was for 8 days and now I'm going for 17. You just never want to leave untill your liver makes you get back on the plane.