Just seen a pic of Chinos on the Boobs Cruise. I can't imagine what it is going to be like going back to TTR and him not being there! What has the entertainment been like since he's gone? Any repeaters?:announce:
1 word-AWFUL Just got back last night and we don't participate in the activities but love sitting back and having a laugh and I am sorry to say the entertainment staff was boring.
I went in early October and noticed a big difference with both Chinos and Stacey gone. Less rowdiness in the pool games, less tequila flowing in the trivia contests, harder time getting people to compete in the pool games. Sarah was doing her best, but Chinos has a charisma that draws people and makes them want to be a part of things--and that's hard to match. I had a good time, but it wasn't much different than any other resort you can go to.
:aktion070: yeh, thats what were afraid of.......my husband and I both have said its the entertainment that really sets this resort apart from other resorts. It was like nothing else. Who wants the same old boring AI resort entertainment? Hope guests are taking the time to report their dissatisfacation with management. People need to speak up.
Now remind me again, why the frig Chinos is gone????? Has this git who is suing actually done the deed and issued papers???? If the knob head hasn't done it surely TTR should get Chinos back asap before there business really starts to suffer. Chinos, I think is the difference between Temptation and any other resort!
Pool was PACKED PACKED PACKED yesterday and Miss Temp contest was cancelled for lack of participation. They couldn't manage to get one girl. Did they even try? Who knows
That's pathetic. Tori, do you think the management is encouraging the toned down attitude? Or do you think the guests just need someone who can loosen them up more?
The pool was packed the last week too.. Oct. 19th.. (I was on the great boobs crusie though).. and they cancelled the Miss. Temptation Contest. When our group asked if they would run the contest on Thursday the 'entertainment' staff said it was a corporate thing now and there wasn't enough participation or good looking girls. I only just met Chinos on the Boobs Cruise and he was a riot... much better than the current situation at TTR.
So, not only did we have Chinos on the cruise we had all the good looking girls too Glad you had a fun time