7 more sleeps and we're off :musik026: I'm sire that time is slowing down as the days, hours, minutes, seconds count down. Sept 28th to Oct 12th .....
Will miss you dearly JenandTodd, hope you have a fabulous trip! I hear you FUNOLOGISTS, only two more days of work for me and can't concentrate at all!! See you there, will have the drinks waiting!
29 DAYS AND COUNTING! It still pisses me off that Chinos is not going to be there! Great group of repeaters in late October, se y'all soon!
3rd time at Temptation ==> October 13th - 21st 2011. We are ready. We've even been working on our fitness. I only hope our livers will survive. ROCK ON !!!!!!!!!!!!
Now then......Just a small matter of 3 dresses and "other sexy stuff" from Wicked Temptation..Was shipped out yesterday...Have got a good feeling about this one!!....Come onnnnnnnn!!!!! :lotsofmichaelfs:
I got pretty much all of my stuff from Wicked Temptations, Flirt.com and Spicy lingerie. Less than 5 weeks to go!
Hey, Paul and Lisa We don't land till 3:20 pm So it sounds like you will be at the pool before we even get off the plane. We're hoping for no flight delays and we'll be right behind you guys.....Good Luck and save us a drink at the bar.....LOL
Hey Harly Looking forward to meeting you! 30 days left!! But who's counting. Getting all our ducks in a row for a smooth vacation! See you soon, Paul & Lisa