~TTR Cabo Trip Report~

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by LisaGeeMark, Jun 14, 2011.

  1. LisaGeeMark

    LisaGeeMark Enthusiast Registered Member

    Apr 13, 2010
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    Long Island, NY
    +0 / 0
    Flew from EWR to SJD on Saturday 6/4 left on 6/11. Two single girls, 28 and 31. Our single male friend in his 40's met us there from California. (I spent a week at TTR Cancun last June - first time to TTR Cabo) They try to get you in the airport with the timeshare deal, but dont fall for it. Just walk straight outside to find your transportation. Ride to hotel was about 20 mins.

    Check in was easy, had to wait about an hour for room to be ready. Room was very nice (#122), beds comfy (king beds only), in-room safe, small patio with chairs. Light switches all over the room were a little annoying and confusing to remember which ones controlled which lights. Very strange, but not a big deal.

    The resort was dead. Staff said they were at about 30% capacity. Its very small, with only one pool, but nice because you dont have to walk far to get places within the resort. There is rarely any good music being played at the pool, which makes for a feeling of "nap-time" most of the day. They should have played some up beat music to get people in the party mood. Several people asked for a chance in music and also requested to turn up the volume at least, but it never lasted long. Pool bar closed at 6pm. The pool stayed open (we later found out) but everyone left within a few minutes of swim up bar closing. Melange bar music I think started around 10 and went until 1. I wouldnt even call it entertainment. One night they had kareoke and one night they literally just played music videos. Snooooze. Then the jacuzzi bar was open until 2 and that was it! Boring. Rented a car and drove into Cabo San Lucas one day and it was nice. Went to the blown glass factory, Cabo Wabo and did some shopping. Also did a "booze cruise" to the arch.

    The drinks were ridiculous. You could NOT get top shelf (even if you requested it) unless you were a "member". They were so watered down it was such a joke. I have heard people complain about this at other resorts but I have never experienced it until this trip. I even had my friends, who are members, order me an Absolut martini which was so watered down I could have drank 5 of them, but stopped at 2 because they tasted like dirty dish water. Yuck.

    The lounge beds were a nice touch and we got to use the Members Only ones because the resort was empty. The staff tried to do some fun things with us, but it felt like we had to suggest things to them. Angie, Cesar and Tony were fantastic. Brian was so sarcastic almost to the point of being mean. There was also an incident that I wont get into that made all of us second guess his intentions. Just be safe, wherever you go and whoever you go with. The hotel has a club/disco, but it never opened while we were there. ?? It is definitely geared towards couples, but we still had fun.

    The weather was incredibly perfect every single day. The front desk fixed our A/C and toilet immediately and even followed up to confirm that they were working well. Definitely take a walk to the beach, make a right and get a massage at the beach hut for $40 /hr - the most incredible massage Ive ever had. We had a great time and met amazing new friends, but we wont return. You have to make the best of it and we certainly did! Feel free to ask any questions! lisam2880@yahoo.com
  2. vacationfun2

    vacationfun2 I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Mar 13, 2007
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    Thanks. Sounds like a place to just relax or go with a group of fun people to get the vibe going. We are in our early 50's and we would have been disappointed with the mood. Did you go to the hot tub that overlooks the resort? We are thinking about April, with the cancuncare group but that is a lot of Iowa winter to suffer without a break.

    We have always gone to TTR or GP in mid-February and this year we went to the GP, March 1st and there were too many spring breakers.
  3. B & B

    B & B Guru Registered Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    The Hub of the Niagara Pennisula, Ontario
    +1 / 0
    Sorry you didn't have a good time, we had a great time.

    I wonder if it was the time of year, April versus June, perhaps the amount of people we knew in advance, we met up without about 15 others and ended up hanging out with about 25 others, but last year we only knew one couple in advance.

    Anyway, thanks for the honest feedback, it is appreciated and would definetly make me think twice about going this time of year.
  4. diamondheaded

    diamondheaded I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 5, 2007
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    that is the second trip report i have read from the june/july time frame that was not so positive (see ron/melissas from last year same time).....may be the time of year as bob mentioned


    could be as simple as .... some like it there and some do not

    thanks for the honesty - as said "its not for everyone"

    the best

  5. Redrum

    Redrum Regular Registered Member

    Dec 27, 2010
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    up there ...
    +0 / 0
    Thanks very much for the review!

    We are going in a couple of weeks and I was wondering about the restaurants. With that low capacity, which ones and when were they open?

    I have a feeling that the resort over the American holiday weekend may be a bit busier..... anyone bet any vibe about that?
  6. sl_la

    sl_la Newbie Registered Member

    May 18, 2011
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    Looking at their reservation page it seems they are out of a few room types so 4th of July might be busy. At least I hope so ;)
  7. LisaGeeMark

    LisaGeeMark Enthusiast Registered Member

    Apr 13, 2010
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    Long Island, NY
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    Dont get me wrong, I definitely had a great time. I mean, youre in Mexico on vacation and NOT at work, so thats a good time to me! LOL
    When we were there, it was only Suki (inside Japanese which was beautiful but I not many people raved about the food). Im happy as long as there is rice and beans, so I cant really comment on the food, haha. Suki is where I had the Absolut Martinis that were yucky. Then there is the outdoor buffet lunch by the pool which turns into an Italian restaurant at night. I didnt really like that idea too much - but the food was GREAT. There was also the buffet lunch near the Melange bar that they did up for dinner too. Only ONE restaurant is open at a time. No reservations required at any of them.
    The jacuzzi was awesome. Nice and hot, incredible views, swimup bar. The fact that the resort was empty definitely put a little damper on things. Even if we went up with us three and like 2-3 other couples, it still didnt feel like a party atmosphere. I felt like the staff took the lack of guests as a chance to just kinda kick back and relax (not all the time). I feel like they could have helped us liven things up a bit. Its so weird - Cancun was like non-stop crazy sexy adult only spring break and Cabo was like activities day at the nursing home! LOL Ok, not really, but compared to Cancun it was.
  8. diamondheaded

    diamondheaded I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 5, 2007
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    i love this comment and i want for as many people to read it as possible in hopes that those who want a college frat party vibe in los cabos never have intentions of coming there


    thanks again

  9. diamondheaded

    diamondheaded I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Apr 5, 2007
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    in all seriousness

    that is a great way to put it for those wanting to understand the differences in the vibe betweenn the two resorts

    cancun is a college frat party
    los cabos is an adult social gathering

  10. LisaGeeMark

    LisaGeeMark Enthusiast Registered Member

    Apr 13, 2010
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    Long Island, NY
    +0 / 0
    Exactly! HAHA! If I was there with a boyfriend/husband it would have very enjoyable to be low key, sensual, romantic, etc. I would definitely recommend Cabo over Cancun for couples wanting time to themselves and Cancun over Cabo for younger, singles or even couples that want to party it up all day/night. Theres nothing wrong with either one, but just giving everyone a heads up.
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