Hey everyone When at TTR, I usually stick with coconut rum and diet, but later find myself getting sick of it...any suggestions for new sweet drinks?? Thanks!!
Rum Runner Caipirinha Coconut rum, pineapple, and seltzer Mojito Miami vice (at the pool) Those are my go to's
Mono Baracho(Drunkin Monkey)!! Strawberry Daiquiri(sp?), Sex on the Beach and Stay away from the Electric Lemonade!!(BAD BAD BAD!!Just ask my husband) Hee Hee! Debbie
Early I go with the Drunken Monkey, it's good!! Later, I go Smirnoff and sprite(7up, whatever)...simple but works... Other than some of the other mentions...vodka cran is quite popular too for something sweeter. Simple just gets you your drinks quicker from the bartender...especially if they can pour it when you're walking over.
Cancun Sunset- OJ, Vodka, Grenadine That's one of my favorites. I can also drink a Caipirinha any day but I have the restaurants make them since they take so much longer to make.
If the bartenders know there stuff they can set you up. We are there the same time as you guys. I am sure we will be trying something new everyday.