They say no, however when we were there last time I did see a few men getting away with it. I'm still making Tony pack his dress pants though.
I bring linen pants for the restaurants and change before patty o. Usually bring one to two pairs since I'm not in them long. Patty o tends to get hot (temperature wise) in the summer months.
From what I've been reading here in the last 6 months, enforcement of the dress code is as variable as the direction of the wind, but that you better be prepared in case you are there during one of the stricter phases i.e., bring a pair of long pants and closed shoes just in case.
Do closed shoes include trainers (sneakers)? You wouldn't believe how many outfits I have to leave behind so that Russ' proper shoes can fit in the case.
Yes, they include sneakers. I will wear jeans and a pair of Nike tennis shoes when eating at the Italian or Asian restaurants, everywhere else I wear shorts.
I wish they would just stick with the nobody cares and nobody gives a sh-t theme and let us all the time get by with a decent pair of dress shorts.................. geez we're on vacation......:bowdown:
I play it safe and bring 1 pair of dress pants and some dress shoes to match. Since Tina is getting all dolled up I figure its the least I can do.
It does feel nice to dress up and look good too!!! I love wearing swimsuit all day then a sexy little dress do my hair and makeup and look hot or my husband , and I love seeing him all handsome and sexy also...... Just my own personal opinion tho