With all due respect TJ, I think it IS possible. The logic is: if the cartel guys goes into a successful business and says I need 2000 pesos a...
That mofo must be the same one that was outside our hotel in Tulum centro last March. That bird is retarded. When he cockadoodledoo'd it would...
Is it possible that the cartel and extortion has caused Taberna's increases?
V, a lot changes in 3 years in gangland. In 3 more years it'll be worse-again, mark my words. This winter my trips up to Costco will be next to...
Van guy, as a fellow Canadian need I remind you: you forgot a 3rd: U.S. politics
lmfao, Rawkus!
I couldn't have said it better myself - ie, Cancuna's comments yesterday. The war in Cancun is on. Ugly days ahead, methinks. Real ugly.
I'm curious to know if PROFECO sees any "patterns" at work. For example, are there significantly fewer problems involving the applications of one...
Cancuna, welcome back. One of the administrators of our condo owners' association works in DF as an account auditor of the government department...
A family member is in a bad state of depression. Does anyone know anything about psychiatrists in the Cancun area: how much, how many, names,...
Classic Lee. Lmao
Thanks for helping me find a freelance golf instructor. However it was for not. Plan B: Does anyone know of a good Mexican golfer, and I will get...
I can get golf instruction from the pro at the golf course. But the problem with this is that the club charges top dollar. The pro gets a tiny...
Very impressive rendition of Dragon Mart Cancun if you search this on youtube!
That poor woman, dying a horrible death of suffocation. I hope that the perpetrators of this are found and punishment is equal to the full...
That's it. I will never give walmart another peso!
Can I marry the one in the green tank-top? A Canadian man with an FM3? LOL
Yeah, I bet there's more American tourists killed while on vacation in San Diego, L.A., San Francisco, Miami, New Orleans and NYC than are...
I bought my son the book, "Top Tens" for Xmas. Yesterday he said, "Dad, what's #1 of the top ten countries where tourists are murdered?" I said,...
Jim, good to hear from you, and I hope to chat more on this, so if you want to pm me, do so please.