Hey Lenny! this is Rod the________1/2 of O-DEERE, we are divorced, Lory lives in Chicago remarried. I am now broncos790 my email is broncos790 at g-- mail, hope all is well with you both best vacation I ever had !!! ps. I have some time share days to share
our place, your place... as long as there's a massage involved, it's all good. and yeah, you both need to bust out of that shell. it's funny... we were actually talking about going back to desire...
Sure! Your place or ours? We've been home for a week now but ready to go back!! I think we may try Desire in Riveria Maya next time. I need to come out of my shell earlier in the vacation rather than the end :-)
hi guys! it was nice meeting yall... hope we run into you again, sooner rather than later! stay in touch! lenny and minh