C & J
Last Activity:
Tuesday at 6:38 PM
Dec 4, 2012
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C & J

Regular, from Miami now but original Nebraska

Registered Member
C & J was last seen:
Tuesday at 6:38 PM
    1. Deleted member 45236
      Deleted member 45236
      Ahh finally tracked you guys down. Just wanted to say you were great company, just wish we could have bumped into you guys earlier. Already planning for next year and hope are paths cross again.
      Roz and Glenn
      1. C & J
        C & J
        Hey guys. Thanks and you guys where great. Still early but think we might plan a trip back in October. Hope everything is going well.
        Oct 14, 2019
      2. C & J
        C & J
        Next October that is.
        Oct 14, 2019
    2. DandH
      Looks like we will be there about the same time, going on the boobs cruise the 25th also!
      1. C & J
        C & J
        Sounds good. Have to have a couple drinks together!!
        Apr 9, 2018
      2. DandH
        Cant wait, see you there!
        Apr 11, 2018
    3. Trev
      Thanks for being ‘optimistic’ about our post...... ;)
      1. C & J
        C & J
        Ha. Damn fat fingers.
        Mar 3, 2018
        Trev&Deb likes this.
    4. dram
      I was asking do you still have. I found it on the deck behind your wife and you put it in your pocket and was very grateful, but hoped you would not forget it in your pocket......
    5. dram
      Still have that earring that fell out on the Boobs cruise a few years ago?
    6. Joe and Tara
      Joe and Tara
      We'll see you fellow Nebraskans at the sexy pool! We get in on the 11th.
    7. Guest
      Darn it looks like you guys arrive the day we leave! It's our first June trip.
    8. $parkie7
      We will see you two on the 8th!! Glad y'all are coming earlier this year!!
      Dawn & Curtis
    9. RYAN&BETH
      Any plans for ttr this year?
    10. Rob&Lucy
      Thanks for photo comment :)
      See you guys next week ;-)
      Its our first trip and we are excited :)

      Rob and Lucy
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