Hi everyone! Looking to book our 3rd trip this February but just wanted to be sure there are no planned take-overs? I only see April, October and November events posted on the website. Anyone have any info? Thanks!!
Not the first or second weekend, the third weekend no bra club is having there takeover. We will be there February 5-9th
I believe NBC is just a travel group, right? Unlike a true takeover, they don't block off portions of the resort for private parties as far as I understand.
No Bra Club Feb 8-15 and Shitshow Feb 15-22ish are not takeovers. We are just a great groups of people that have met at the resort over the years and try to go back the same weeks each year to hang out and party with our TTR friends. Every year I think both groups get bigger because you make new friends every time you go.