Iso Opinions From Recent Ttr Visitors Who Are Not Premier Members

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by Cheers2US, Jun 27, 2024.

  1. Cheers2US

    Cheers2US Guru Registered Member

    Sep 21, 2014
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    Ohio, USA
    +628 / 2
    Temptation veterans/newbies who are not Premier members, just a few questions:

    How do you feel about the experience at the resort?

    Did you feel as welcome as the members?

    Were you able to find convenient seating at the pool, beach and Bash?

    Were there items on the menu that you couldn't get?

    Did you feel pressured to buy in/meet with sales staff?

    Do you plan to become members?
  2. MikeandHeather

    MikeandHeather I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 30, 2018
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    Not members but have friends who are and also have friends who are beneficiaries. September will be maybe our 10th trip post Reno. See answers inserted in your quote below:

    No. we like to know we have a suite booked if that is what we want, I have been told by many that, even with it in their contract, they cannot get it most times? The red bands get us in any restaurant or bar. Plus we shop the sales pretty hard and have gotten great rates. Friends have the yacht in their contract so we really aren’t missing out on much. Plus they have that new cash back gimmick and I got a Visa gift card for $350 after last trip. It actually worked too!
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2024
  3. SUPnSun

    SUPnSun Regular Registered Member

    Jul 23, 2018
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    Not members. We’ve been 6 times. We stay in the Tower usually which has some benefits. But there are enough paid upgrades that get you them.

    We always have a great experience at the resort. It’s the people there that make it.

    Never really worried about the membership, there are a few things we can’t access… but it’s fine. Other people really don’t care about your membership status. Most members are pretty cool about sharing their status too.

    There is a tower/upgrade seating area. It’s not great for people watching but it’s in the sun. We rarely ever sit in the chairs.

    There are a few menu items, maybe three, that are for members. They look good, but I’ve never felt were missing out. There are upgraded liquor available to members… but unless I’m drinking it straight it rarely matters.

    Never met with the sales staff. We’re not interested in buying a membership. I just say no thanks. I just say no thanks. We don’t see the value in it. Maybe if we lived closer, but even then. We have fun, but will it still be fun for us in 5, 10, or 20 years?
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  4. Cheers2US

    Cheers2US Guru Registered Member

    Sep 21, 2014
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    I am also discouraged by the TikTok, Instagram, Facebook crowd. TTR used to be strict about protecting guests' privacy; now it seems more of an 'honor system" thing.

    What do the red wristbands indicate, that you're visiting on a referral?
  5. MikeandHeather

    MikeandHeather I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 30, 2018
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    +1,957 / 5
    The master and penthouse suites get red wristbands.
  6. ElAleman

    ElAleman Newbie Registered Member

    Mar 11, 2024
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    Unfortunately they changed that with the red one. I saw that in May. A ridiculous number of people had a red wristband, which is why I asked. The employees hardly knew themselves. But I found out. Temptation currently has a cooperation with Expedia. If you book with Expedia you get a red one. I don't know if Penhouse and Mastersuite have a different color now. referral is a gold wristband. But with that red one they had for example access now to the Member Bar.

    Back to the question. I love my membership but to be honest you dont need it. There are some nice things, especially the better alcohol... as Member you get belvedere or titos vodka… as not member Smirnoff or Absolut vodka for example… but it's only worth it if you really want to come often. We paid for example 16.000 for our membership. So if you don’t plan to come a lot of times… save the money
    And I often have the feeling that non-members are treated better because they don't have the money yet haha ;)

    edit: Sometimes my english is not the best, sorry for that. If you have not understood something, please feel free to ask
  7. MikeandHeather

    MikeandHeather I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 30, 2018
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    Agree. Once they get your money you either have to give more or they move on to a new target. We were there in May. All suites were booked but I didn’t notice if there were more red bands than that or not. I figured we have paid more in room upgrades or pure room charges booking the way we do than if we had bought a membership. But it works for us. I only regret not buying into one place so far (Grand Luxxe in PV). Had we done that 7 years ago we would be golden. But it had a 10 year expiry and then you had to buy again. But you got 6 months and could VRBO all you wanted. People made a killing!
  8. Cheers2US

    Cheers2US Guru Registered Member

    Sep 21, 2014
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    +628 / 2
    I asked because last time we went (2021) our visit was a little sour because we had a hard time finding chairs by the pool (see my previous inquiry) and tables at Bash.

    We do like to sit at the pool occasionally to just rest and watch the festivities. It's nice sometimes to get a break from the water and just chill.

    At Bash, there were several open tables, but we weren't "allowed" to sit there because they had to be reserved. Again, left a sour taste with us. We paid good money to be there, yet we couldn't sit anywhere convenient.

    So I was just wondering if it's the same for non-members or if it's gotten better/worse.
  9. ElAleman

    ElAleman Newbie Registered Member

    Mar 11, 2024
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    Would say it is the same. Nothing changed.

    Sometimes they put up reserved signs even though the seats are not reserved. They probably want to make money that way. Later they take the signs away again.

    We know many waitresses and get on very well with them, so they often put us at a reserved table (hey can my friends come to your table) or tell us which ones are not reserved... I don't think that has anything to do with members/non-members. I know many who have been coming for ages and are not members... for example, they always get a sun lounger by the pool or a place in Bash. But it also took time and several vacations there.

    So I can't give any real advice on this except come early or get on well with the staff.
    But it's not the employees' fault. There is a lot of pressure from above (management/maybe owners) to make more and more money and many employees are very unhappy with the current development at Temptation.

    As are the guests. It definitely can't be that you are often forced to buy something extra... especially something as ridiculous as a place at the party in an all inclusive resort. Or paying a fine for a dirty bed sheet...
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