Had friends do this and didnt work out well for them. Just communicate and stay out of the way and it could work out.
Nov 30th - Dec 4th Solo and kinda last min trip. Looking forward to meeting some great people in just a few hours.
Well we just cancelled our 2 week Cancun holiday due to the new Covid rules set out by the Canadian gov and also the WHO recommendation to not travel. Anyone else changing their plans?
We didn't feel that the changes were that bad (sucks yes) but only have to isolate until results are in (usually only takes day at most 3)
What I don't want to risk is that my travel insurance will not be valid if the Canadian Gov changes the rules while we are away. We will postpone until we can enjoy mingling with new friends without worrying about Covid.
I believe all policies are good if the changes are made after you leave (that is what Manulife told me)
Agreed. I believe most policies are valid provided the change after departure, but you would need to always triple check with the insurer along with practices like collecting rep ID number time date of when contacted. Even down to how long your call was, But sadly you have cancelled. We have had a few trips cancelled now from the start of Covid with policy changes. And this one really doesn’t effect us, I believe it is just a way to scare people to keep them within thier country to help gain more tax revenue to slowly try to pay back the extremely high level of debt the government took on, simply over reaction to a new strain that has little to no data except it’s easier to transmit to others. Just remember keep good notes. Rep id. Number. Number call. Call times. Etc. And your case will always be strong in protecting yourself. All calls with any major insurers or travel companys are recorded so if you have all the info of the call they can easily look up the call récord