might be somewhere in the forums but what is the best lip protection that you have found ? Last year using spf chapstick I got sunburn on my lips put it on like crazy but it didn't help what do you use I thought there was one that was like a lip stick or one that had super bright colors like the sport stuff you put on your nose but can't find it thanks for the help
good tequila shouldn't need a lime .. upgrade lol ohh wait TTR is free so its shit tequila and hot so yeah lime that shit up
Yep avoid lemons/limes and use your own cup whenever you can whatever is in the water they wash the bar glasses with will dry your lips and make them burn easier.... (.Y.)
No lime for lips... never knew that...guess I need to work on my mass beach drinking knowledge. Although g & t doesn’t work without it, so I’ll have to protect the lips another way
Never had an issue with either Banana Boat or SunBum. SunBum coconut is great when drinking rum with water.