Hi, That sounds fun! Never done it before but I take it, same has bar crawl. I be traveling alone. Not sure if a single guy is welcomed. I have no particular agenda other than just meeting new people and having fun. Cheers!
OK, I'll help y'all. A "Room Crawl" is when at Least three couples put together a "party," which is going to start in Room 1... "Travel" (i.e. the crawl) to Room 2, then culminate in Room 3. In each such room (I'm not at all limiting you to only three, but practically-speaking the uppermost limit seems to be Six), there is a slightly different "theme" if you will, to how the Room is decorated (yes, that's part of it), to the drinks/shots therein offered (another required part) and some sort of activity (e.g. a drinking game, a toasting of someone or something - imagination works here, and there you go. You've got a "Room Crawl." It can be easily the most awesome thing of the trip, or something easily forgotten, it depends on the people who are "hosting" the rooms. And, of course, the "Crawlers," i.e. the party-goers. You should feel free to dress in whatever style you like, from casual to very provacative... there's no rules to a room crawl, except you don't want to run afoul of security between rooms. That can be handled by a towel, robe, change of costume, t-shirt, whatever. You can have contests ranging from just fun & dumb to downright aggressively-sexy, it's up to y'[all. Set a start time for Room 1 arrival, and an "estimated" travel time to Room 2.. and Room 3, etc. You may want a deadline time for everyone to end up at Bash... or not. Depends ont he "goals," so to speak, for the crawl, the people involved, and how much Bash has been. There you go. Basic outline of Room Crawl events.
Lol, 2 Halloweens ago the RC began with 106 crawlers. When we got to our room (no. 4 I recall) we were down to about 75! Like a conga line coming in to view decorated room and have a drink. No games as too many I think there were 6 rooms all together. Other RC, was 3 rooms but one bailed due to drunkeness. So 2 rooms and 13 crawlers (one single “creeper”, great young man) and about 3-3.5 hrs between the 2 rooms and games. Much much fun was had by all and we got to know one another a bit, some in more ways than others! Late to Bash in somewhat a drunken and happy state. Been to others too but these were our extremes. So all sorts of RC’s!
So to participate in RC you must host one in your room? What if your room is far away at the other end of the resort? What if you don't know nothing about hosting a RC Is it ok to attend and see what's it's about and take a leave if you didn't fit in ? As a couple of course
No, unless that is the rule of the people arranging the RC's. We have been to them without hosting and also when hosting.