Covid Testing In Cancun?

Discussion in 'Cancun Forum' started by shenanigans22, Jun 25, 2020.

  1. shenanigans22

    shenanigans22 Newbie Registered Member

    May 31, 2020
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    I live and work in the Turks and Caicos Islands. My islands are requiring you to have a COVID-19 test done 72 hours before to fly. So my question is

    where I’m Cancun can you get a rapid test and what’s the cost?

    thanks in advance.

    going to be at temptations in September
  2. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    Yes you can. At Laclicsa (3 Cancun locations). There are probably more places, but we have one right by our house so haven't researched further.

    Results take 24-48 hrs. Cost is 3369 Pesos (approx $15o USD)

    Covid-19 – Laclicsa Laboratorios
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2020
  3. Happydays

    Happydays Regular Registered Member

    Dec 20, 2014
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    There is a noninvasive test available with results in ten minutes. I've been tested for other stuff over the years, works great. (bio resonance).
    For the sake of argument, let's pretend that the test can be done remotely and the effectiveness is proven.

    Should resorts, like TTR, insist that all guests are tested on arrival?
    Would guests pay an additional fee (25 - 50 usd for example) for the knowledge that everyone at the hotel was tested and is clear. (or at least was clear when they were tested).

    I know many people still don't believe in the existence of the virus (presumably these people are getting scarce). Would insistence that they take the test cause trouble? What if they refuse to take it?

    It's far from fool proof and people need to be retested if they mingle with others in Starbucks or in coco bongos. Staff should be tested too but there is still no guarantee that the virus won't slip through the safety net. Testing does dramatically increases the chances of keeping covid out though.

    If a guest tests positively for the virus, their holiday is ruined (possibly they could be asymptomatic and never knew they had it). The advantage of knowing means that they can return home, self isolate and not pass it to their relatives and elderly neighbours when they see them. Also, they get back home in time and do not get stuck in a Mexican hospital.

    So, the question is whether or not everyone will do it or not? What would people pay? A full test costs up to 300 euro, as there needs to be a medical professional reading the results but I'm seeing if they can just do the coronavirus test for a lot cheaper. I think 50 usd is the top end of what clients would pay?

    Just curious, thanks.
  4. MandEOntario

    MandEOntario Addict Registered Member

    Jan 16, 2012
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    West of Toronto; Empty nesters with a hot tub
    +2,677 / 4
    Not sure I'm following your proposal ... "Also, they get back home in time... " ... for what exactly?
    Are you saying that if a guest tests positive for COVID19 while on vacation in Mexico, he/she should still be allowed to return the airport, board an aircraft home and potentially infect hundreds of other travellers and employees while knowingly being infected with the contagion??
    If a guest tests positive, shouldn't local public health and resort officials be alerted by the local testing facility and wouldn't they initiate their immediate contact tracing and communication processes? Seems more prudent for the 14-day quarantine (and any potential medical treatment) to be done locally, even if that is in a Mexican hospital.
  5. Happydays

    Happydays Regular Registered Member

    Dec 20, 2014
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    Hi guys,

    Yes, that is what we are saying- We'd spot the virus, potentially long before there are symptoms. There is no reason why an infected person cannot get back on a flight to the US or wherever they are coming from, practice 2m distancing, wear their mask, self isolate when they get home and wait for the symptoms to hit! Equally, if they choose to self isolate in Mexico, it is up to them. All we are doing is telling them they have it- their call after that. If I had it, I'd rather know. If it is hotel policy, the one thing they are not doing is getting into TTR. An infected person will do a lot more damage in the resort than on a flight home while being careful.

    Remember we are thinking of doing it as a private business, not a public service, so we'd have no obligation either morally or legally to tell the authorities of the positive results. They can go down the roads and book the holiday Inn if they so choose.
    However, I think the number of replies to the threat shows the level of interest!!! For it to work, clients need to be hassling the hotel now to provide the service and every single client must be made aware they need to pass the test before they get to Temptation.
    My wife and I would gladly pay whatever it takes to know everyone, (including us) in the hot tub, is virus-free. I understand different people have different levels of fear of the COVID. We are dreading the second wave in Spain- the medical professionals just cannot go through that again.

    We need the US figures to improve dramatically, and soon.
    I think from a commercial point of view, this testing everyone idea is not going to work?

    Thanks for the reply, stay well.

  6. constructoman

    constructoman Enthusiast Registered Member

    Dec 15, 2011
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    If you test positive you should NEVER get on a plane. The chance of you infecting and potentially being the cause of someone to die is too great.
  7. shenanigans22

    shenanigans22 Newbie Registered Member

    May 31, 2020
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    What I’m saying is this. I live and work In the Turks and Caicos Islands. They are requiring that you have a Covid-19 test 72 hours within going to the Turks And Caicos islands. So I would need get a test in Mexico. Was wondering if there was a spot to get it done in Cancun
  8. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    Are you thinking of doing this yourselves or suggesting some existing Cancun based business does it?

    If yourselves, first you'd need the appropriate Visa to be allowed to work. Rules have changed since, but it took me 8 years to get mine.

    Then you'd need to get the hotel to agree, which they would only (possibly) do on a concession basis - i.e. you pay for the right to operate a business at their hotel. Similar to what The Hangover Team (who provide the IV Therapy do), or the Provoke photography service, the Gift Shop, Tour Sales at the Towel Hut etc etc. You can't just walk into someone else's business and start operating your own.

    Any medical business has scores of extra hoops to jump through, and I doubt the idea would go down well with the resort. They'd already be doing it if they thought it beneficial, or already required to do it if the authorities thought it necessary.

    If the authorities didn't deem it necessary, the hotel wouldn't deem it beneficial. Unless they made more from it than they lost. Doubtful.

    And what about those already staying at the Holiday Inn?

    It doesn't seem to solve a perceived problem in Cancun/TTR, it appears to pass it on elsewhere.
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2020
  9. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    Well, I already answered that above a couple of weeks ago.

    Since then, I have seen FB ads from a place that does it for 1300 pesos. I forget the name though, but shouldn't be too hard to find
  10. The Gringos

    The Gringos Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jun 4, 2020
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    Not criticizing, but were there any circumstances hindering you? I got mine in two years. Just genuinely curious.

    Happydays, your best bet is to get employment with a business registered in Mexico. You need to first be sponsored, prove you have -some- savings, and the business needs to prove employment. We've sponsored 4 people, and they work for us. We're Canadian though, not sure if they are more lenient with us than the USA
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