Planning For Summer 2021. First Time Questions, And Dates To Avoid?

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by rcookley, Jun 27, 2020.

  1. rcookley

    rcookley Newbie Registered Member

    Jun 27, 2020
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    Hello! My wife and I are in our early 30's and I believe I have finally talked her into dipping her toes into Temptation. I've been working on this for a few years by getting her to slowly wear more revealing swimsuits over the last few years when vacationing and now she is comfortable in just a thong (and top). She thinks she will be comfortable going topless but she does have some reservations about the party atmosphere and she does have a jealous side. For example, she was 100% on board going to Little Beach in Maui because she felt like it was more of the "natural" feel there whereas Temptation potentially caters more to the partying and swinging lifestyle which she feels may make her jealous. She is not in favor of attending any of the night entertainment featuring poles, for example.

    So, I've talked her into trying out Temptation next time we vacation to Cancun but she doesn't want to make it the primary resort stay. She wants to try out 2-3 nights at Temptation and 3-4 nights at one of the Excellence resorts to unwind and relax after the partying.

    1) Knowing we aren't in the lifestyle and my wife has a hint of a jealous streak, do you think we can still enjoy Temptation? I personally have no jealousy issues and would love for her to let loose and experiment a bit, but that feeling is not reciprocal.

    2) Are there dates in the summer I should avoid? Are there common dates typically targeted for those in the lifestyle or other large parties that may be a little over the top for our first visit?

    3) Is 2 nights sufficient to try out the resort?
  2. FakeNewsTeam

    FakeNewsTeam It's a matter of time, but time is all we have! Registered Member

    Apr 12, 2017
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    San Antonio (Boerne), Texas
    +4,599 / 13
    This happens all the time so either there is something wrong with the marketing or people are talking out their asses online.
    Typically it is ignorance that provides misconceptions.

    TTR is not a LS (Swingers) resort despite what you may have read.
    It is an adult (over 21) topless optional all inclusive resort.
    Couples as well as singles can visit.
    There are no “play” rooms and no public sex is allowed.
    TTR is also not a LS club.
    The sister resorts Desire RM and Desire Pearl are clothing optional all inclusive resorts.
    Couples only except at certain times/events when single females are allowed.
    Here there are “play” rooms and public sex is allowed in designated areas.

    At TTR probably just a tad more LS visitors then at you post office, at the grocery store, on your block, or at your church services.
    But, yes probably a little more concentration at certain times.
    The LS has many many levels and is more prevalent than most think.
    Also, many people do not like labels or think of themselves in the LS, but they are.
    So yes LS’ers will be there, but we/they are not pariahs and if someone asks you something a simple no or no thank you is all it takes to get on with it and continue the party.
    Most everybody we know are great people.
    Of course, there are assholes in every crowd.

    The problem your wife may have more is with single females due to her jealousy.
    Or you may have issues with single drunk obnoxious guys bothering her.
    Testosterone and alcohol are not good friends.

    There are a few bachelor and bachelorette parties from time to time.
    But typically not an issue.

    LS people visit all year long but as I stated, this should not be an issue.
    Hint: they go to the post office, go to the grocery store, go to church, and live next to you (OMG!).

    The “ Summer” months of July-Sept are typically a little slower.
    Stay away from Spring Break...March to avoid some single guys.

    Avoid any “takeover” events as these are typically LS groups so there will be a concentration.

    Two nights is too short IMO.
    Four-Five nights is better to experience all TTR has to offer.
    Also, there is no pressure to remove her top.
    Sone women do, and some don’t.
    Many feel liberated after the first few minutes at the pool and it becomes a non issue from then on.

    Don’t know what you ars talking about with the night time entertainment featuring poles???
    Where did you misinformed about this?
    The “club” is outdoors and is called Bash,
    It had a raised dance stage.
    Each night there is a different theme that some/most guests dress to.
    Each night from 10-10:30 TTR provides entertainment ( a show).
    They do bring in a seriously talented pole dancer that sets up a temporary pole on the not miss her!
    So, the real dancing and night clubbing with DJ begins at 10:30 and runs until 3:00am each night.

    There is also a pole dance competition as part of the Sexy Pool (main pool) games...they set up a temporary.
    There are poles in the 4 Penthouse rooms.
    There is a pole in the gym.
    There are 2 poles at the pool at the SkyBar roof top but it is closed at night except for special events.
    There used to be poles at She (restaurant) as part of dinner time entertainment along with belly dancing but may have removed them ; we do not frequent She as we do not like the food choice.

    I am more concerned that you had to talk her into it and are in different places.
    Could be good or could be a disaster.
    Coin flip.
    Many have been in your situation and most come out ahead.
    But some not.
    Just don’t be pushy and chill.

    Also, once you decide on when to visit, find the thread here and reach out, bond, and make friends so that you have someone to immediately hang out with.

    If you need more and don’t want to ask in public forum PM (Start a Conversation).
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  3. rcookley

    rcookley Newbie Registered Member

    Jun 27, 2020
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    Seriously thank you for the reply! I did not intend to come across as offensive so I apologize if I was misinformed and showcased my ignorance. I was referring to the takeover events that I’ve heard about when I was referring to dates to avoid. Do those get planned this far in advance?

    I think you’re right on the aspect of her being jealous in the event of single females trying to be a little over the top. From what I’ve read, I agree this does not seem to be an issue at TTR. I am not jealous so as long as men respect her requests, we will get along fine.

    I guess the concern is the party and atmosphere will be too much. She will be fine going too less and with others being topless. If the atmosphere gets too much, I think we will just escape to the rooftop or quieter areas of the resort.
  4. gottaski

    gottaski Addict Registered Member

    Apr 4, 2003
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    +58 / 0
    absolutely well said!!

    I wasn't sure if my wife was going to like it, so I booked 5 nights. I had been 7 times before. I figured if she doesn't like the resort, there's plenty to do and see in and around Cancun in that short of a visit. we ended up extending our stay 2 more nights!!

    you can relax at TTR. there's a quiet pool, and, if you go on a referral, you get complimentary access to the Sky bar. it's super chill up there. (you will have to do the time share presentation if going on a referral)

    TTR, like most places, is what YOU make of it.
  5. Sonny&Andrea

    Sonny&Andrea Addict Registered Member

    Nov 11, 2018
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    Kentucky for the summer, Texas for the winter.
    +491 / 1
    I recommend not reaching out to other people on here to make friends. My wife wasn’t/isn’t that jealous, but she did have a problem with that when we joined cc. Secondly I highly recommend, if going in the summer, avoid the weekend. A lot more singles start showing up on Friday. We much prefer Monday-Thursday. This will be our 4th time, and the only times we had problems was on the weekend. Thirdly one thing that was left out in the comment above about the poles. The nightly entertainment, when there is a pole dancer, she is fully clothed. Top and bottom. It isn’t a strip show, if that is what she was afraid of. Also, if you go and just chill, y’all will have an awesome time. You will wished you had stayed there for the whole vacation. There is a lot of misconception on the net, but at the same time, that misconception comes from somewhere. It’s all about when you go, weekends are crazy. Go when a big repeat group goes, crazy! Best bet is middle of the month, not around a holiday, middle of the week.
  6. FakeNewsTeam

    FakeNewsTeam It's a matter of time, but time is all we have! Registered Member

    Apr 12, 2017
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    +4,599 / 13
    No problem, now you are more educated!
    As you know, ignorance is not stupidity, it is not knowing or being aware.
    You cannot fix stupid, but you can be educated out of ignorance.

    The takeovers are planned well in advance because they grab many rooms on certain floors in the Tower or the entire Tower and attendees have to book thru them, not the hotel. They typically bring their own DJ’s and have private events in SkyBar. Sometimes they let others buy their way in to these private events. Other times they do not. But sometimes their DJ’s play at the Sexy Pool or on/near beach. So if you get tired of the same TTR music and play list night after night (and MANY do...there are lots of threads here on this) their DJ’s break it up.
    They can be very cliquish but we have had no problem as long as being friendly the couple we have overlapped with.
    Check with TTR and on calendar for verification of if/when any take overs are already planned. I know of some but not exactly sure of dates as this COVID thing has everything jacked up.

    You do share the pools, bars, food, etc. with all.

    As @gottaski posted, there is the quit pool with soft background music and bar to chill.
    We use it occasion to recharge.
    We always stay in the first floor hot tub rooms as we like the quiet and you do not hear Bash if we call it in early... which we do often.
    Also, we love the tub on the balcony for room service breakfast in the mornings and on rainy days.
    And there is the SkyBar, also a chill location with different great food and wonderful views and privacy for photographs.
    Also a great view of the pool from 7 floors up.
    And most agree, TTR IS what YOU want it to be and make it.
    Do NOT rely on others to make your fun.
    Come out of your shell some and explore.
    As the saying goes, at TTR, no one knows you, and no one gives a shit!

    As @Sonny&Andrea posted the weekends are busier, and yes do attract more singles.
    I do understand their issues, but you have already reached out and have already made friends. As with any social media there are always the creepers. If that becomes an issue simply block them, plain snd simple.
    There are many newbies like yourselves and they have similar questions and jitters. These folks are good to bond with.
    Also, I did not mean to imply the professional pole dancer was a stripper or nekid.
    She is a serious professional and well worth seeing perform.
    Because of her my wife took lessons and we converted our unused media room into a studio with pole, mirror, tv, lights, etc.

    And then there are the serious repeaters whom like to try to help to educate and hopefully grow our TTR family with the “right” kind of people.
    I hope you visit as long as you and your wife are enough on the same page and if so, welcome to the addiction and the family.

    There is truly no other place like it.
    Some a bit similar, but not the same.
    If there is, someone please educate me...please!

    Continue to gain opinions and advice as everyone has had or will have that first experience. We still remember ours and cherish it as it changed our vacation destination.

    Best wishes!
  7. M&MfromLA

    M&MfromLA Regular Registered Member

    Sep 24, 2018
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    Outstanding answers given above. Now is perhaps a good time for self reflection. What "makes" her prone to be jealous? Is she afraid you'll stray? Find other women more attractive? Etc.

    Work on that BEFORE you visit. In our 2 times to Temptation (3rd coming up this Sept) we've seen a few couples argue and sometimes even have full on blowouts. Usually its the guys fault because he's so new to a sensually charged atmosphere that he makes an innocent mistake...BUT the wife or partner also bear responsibility for setting boundaries and talking too.

    Communicate...then do it again until you are blue in the face. Forgive each other for mistakes, never use those mistakes against each other and talk out what could go right or even wrong.

    Signed..."just one of those lifestyle couples that Temptation doesn't cater to but attracts" :)
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  8. Steve

    Steve Administrator Owner

    Feb 14, 2003
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    Great comments above from FNT, spot on the money.

    Just to add, the currently scheduled takeovers are one in April 2021 and two in October 2020.

    Many of us avoid takeovers too because they do change the vibe of the place and with the tower takeovers we can't get the rooms we prefer due to them being block-booked by the groups who will charge double if you want one.

    It's only 3 weeks out of 52 though. However, one happens to be my birthday week , so I'm a bit annoyed by that.
  9. Trish

    Trish I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jul 30, 2011
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    There's a wide variety of people at TTR, from the prudes (at the quiet pool) to the (almost) nudes dishing out free lapdances at the sexy pool. It's certainly not all lifestyle, although as first timers you'll probably see stuff going on that you're certain to think is lifestyle behaviour. That's not always the case, there's just lot of fluidity between people just enjoying themselves and actual lifestyle stuff going on. Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference. But seriously, the best part of TTR is meeting people from all walks of life, sharing a drink and a laugh with them, and the variety of Spring Break-like shenanigans you can get up to.

    You say your wife may have issue watching the nightly shows, I hate to break it to you but there's way more sexy stuff going on down at the pool during the day than anything you'll see up on stage at night, and majority of that isn't lifestyle. Just people letting loose. Jealousy might be a difficult emotion to navigate at TTR. With the drinks flowing and general flirtatious vibe, I've seen couples have some real problems with controlling jealousy. My advice, talk to each other and discuss boundaries BEFORE getting there. This isn't the place to bring up new ideas or suggestions on the fly. Even if it's a bit uncomfortable, talk about what's ok to do, what's not ok long before setting foot in the door. You being ok with your wife letting loose doesn't mean she's ok with it. I wouldn't worry too much about whether you'll like it or not though. If it turns out that being around other almost naked people that aren't afraid to flaunt it is an issue, there's always the beach. The beach is still topless optional but much more relaxed atmosphere than the partying going on at the pool. There really is a place for everyone at TTR to have their own kind of fun.

    FYI, if you ask me 2 nights is nowhere near enough. It'll take you 1 night to settle in. 2nd night you'll be wishing you booked a few more!
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  10. scottydog

    scottydog I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Mar 13, 2007
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    Others have been spot on with their take on your concerns and with their tips and advice. My first trip to Temptation was in 2006 (it was called Blue Bay Getaway then). Over the years I’ve talked to many people who had concerns about whether the resort was right for them. I’ve always said that Temptation invites you to step out of your comfort zone, but doesn’t require you to in order to love being there.

    I’ll point out that I agree two days are not long enough to really experience what makes the resort so special to all of us. It’s the people you’ll spend time with and who will become lifelong friends...even if you only see them once or twice a year.
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