@Spicy Sorry for the dislike. Didn't really have a choice with the resort being closed and all. Not really looking forward to the heat in Aug, but don't see much of a choice.
I hope you realize my dislike of your choice of dates to rebook was a compliment, expressing sadness and dislike that I won't get to see you guys. I was so looking forward to it. August does sound too hot for me. I am hoping a few days before and after June 11 for trip #30 to be my first b'day there. Also confirmed for Sept. 10. and probably Halloween. Need roomies for June and Halloween though...
Why don't you try Sept with Chinos, Sara and Omar doing the weekends at the resort I am doing the 13-23
Late Aug and Sept are too hard with school starting. It has to find into the beginning or wait till Nov. Which Elyse was pretty much not interested in, because she said we are trying to go when it's colder for NYE. Plus going in Aug worked out to get to celebrate a birthday. Elyse and I, and our May birthdays, have had all the luck in this regard.
Meaning, we are going to Cancan when it's cold there, and it's also way colder at home (NYE). She isn't a fan of this aspect, cause she doesn't care how hot it is on vacation, and would rather go when it's hot all day and night. She likes Aug, I think it's too hot. May is the compromise.
Heat for sure. We will only go to Cancun when it’s hot During the day and balmy at night. It can’t get too hot for us. Heard too many stories of cold pools and cool evenings from friends taking winter trips. We have went the last 7 Junes to Cancun, and sometimes I get a chill on the beach from the trade winds. This year the June trip is obviously in doubt. School makes it tough but our alternate dates are early August and mid/late September. Other than that we would have to wait until spring. Winters are warmer in DR so if they would build the Punta Cana resort that would be a winter option.
Got it. We’ve never been in the summer when it’s really hot. I get your compromise. We both like the hotter the better. End of October is probably our limit.