So I have been doing in home work outs while watching videos on youtube of TTR. I have about 90 days until we land. Unfortunately, I had some life events that weren't kind to my body over the holiday season and I put on some uncomfortable weight. Now let me be clear. I am all about being comfortable in your skin. No one is less than because they do not fit in a mold. My issue was I could be totally naked and not comfortable in my own skin. My sex life suffered a little. I just wanted to feel attractive again. My fiance would always tell me I was sexy, but that doesnt mean much when I dont believe it. My fiance, being the amazing human being he is, continued to dig and try to find out what would help motivate me to pull myself out of my slump. What it came down to was me just spending an evening watching videos and realizing all I wanted to do was lift weights and get super pumped about vacation while literally getting PUMPED about vacation! I dont suggest this as a one size fits all solution to finding that motivation to hop on a treadmill or pick up those kettle bells. If you're happy, BE HAPPY! Flaunt yo curves girl! *snap snap* We all deserve to look in the mirror and be happy and feel sexy. If it means losing 5 pounds to give you that boost of confidence, that's what it is. If I means doing a thousand squats to make your booty pop, go for it. If it means slamming fried bologna sandwiches to make those curves fill out, bitch, GET IT! Day dream your perfect vacation. Get into it and be comfortable in your own skin. kisses ladies. Get sexy!
I find taking a month off booze really helps! But of course that only works if you normally drink a lot. Lol
My problem now is that I’ve been to TTR and since I’ve gotten home I wanted to become more fit. It’s been a battle. I do notice differences but right now they aren’t quick enough for me and that’s what’s frustrating me.
I brought my workout gear to work today...finally! We have a gym three floors down, and I’m too lazy in my cube to get up and go down there. Stops today! And no more Oreos!!! April is fast approaching.
2 years ago, when I hit into LS, that body was 70lbs heavier. Lol I'm a good case for---it can be done but it takes time and patience and a whole lotta work. Lol Fitbit Newfy
Stacia's plan includes dragging me to the gym to do legs 2x/week until Mexico, and videos at home on non-leg-days... Whew!
I quit for a year 5 years ago and by the end, had lost too much weight in my husband's opinion. I also work in a bar and burn a lot of calories at work (lots of stairs). I found that my tolerance comes back immediately no matter how long my break from booze is. Do you really need to stay conditioned or more like, just want to? ;-)
I just watched a YouTube video saying cardio not needed. Weights only. I’m going to try this plan because I can’t run, and the elliptical is so boring. I’m right about 8weeks from TTR, so we’ll see if it works! Shelley Darlington is the YouTuber, for anyone interested.
At the end of the day it comes down to proper diet, regardless of whether you want to lose or gain weight. Want to gain, eat healthier and eat more. Wanna lose weight, eat healthier and less. Going to the gym is good and will compound your results to either lean out or put on mass depending on your goals, but if your diet is not on point it can all be for naught. For someone who wants to do a quickish weight loss I recommend dumping ALL sugar, unnecessary fats like bacon and cheese (kills me to even say that!), breads including pastas and NO added salt. And the booze....yep, thats gotta go too. No "cheat" days, just a new way of eating. Results will be quick, and even quicker with exercise, and youll likely feel better.