Finally Lost It… With Dj And “his” Music !!

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by FFC/WBA, Jun 10, 2019.

  1. FFC/WBA

    FFC/WBA Guru Registered Member

    Sep 23, 2013
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    Warwickshire. UK
    +574 / 0
    Blog Sunday night BASH,, night going well, Boogie night show, playmakers and crowd up dancing for 70’s 80’s Boogie night. Many had made the effort to dress for the era. Play Makers leave about 11. 15 ish.. DJ immediately reverts to Garage/Rap/Electric music heard every bloody night and day…. Dance floor clears , crowd stop “bopping”… gave it 10 mins , crowd starting to drift off, none of the “youngsters” dancing on stage or floor… shit.
    "Lost it"..went to DJ and told him it was “S1ht” and to play the theme night music the crowd has come for and dressed for. He chased me back to the bar with security and started shouting… bring your own music if you don’t like what I play….. BOOM !!!. Pointed out he was the f’ing DJ and he was paid to play the “Themed” music NOT for me to provide it. DJ returns to his “pit” and eventually plays the Boogie music and a few people returned to the stage and many, many more “booped” around Bash…. What’s going on . whose running this place ????.

    Post script… Personally no problem with garage/Rap etc….everyone has different and varied tastes in music. just don’t sell me Boogie and provide shit that closes the night….I paid to party
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  2. aggiemike

    aggiemike Regular Registered Member

    Nov 8, 2007
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    San Antonio, Texas
    +227 / 0
    Boogie night music was highlight of or week in April. Most other nights were terrible. Music was too loud and never rested. Impossible to have a conversation at all. DJs seem to love to fade from one music to next with no pause. But this gets anoying hour after hour with no pause. Maybe they could schedule some breaks for socializing!
  3. jnine

    jnine I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Oct 24, 2014
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    Central Michigan
    +2,849 / 3
    No doubt, the house DJ is a COMPLETE MORON!!!! He has NO ability to read the crowd he is playing too, he cranks it to 11 thinking it amps up the party but what really happens is he makes it impossible to have a conversation, and then he plays the worst music he possibly could for the crowd and theme. He is a total buzz-kill and drives people off the dance floor and away from Bash faster than a cold rain. He's really working against the resorts best efforts to create a fun, party type environment. Wish he would go back to Coco-Bongo, Senior Frogs, or whatver drunken spring break club he came from.
  4. ScubaSteve

    ScubaSteve CCC's The Dude Registered Member

    Jul 29, 2014
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    Philadelphia, USA
    +6,176 / 7
    It is way too loud.

    (and this is coming from one of the loudest people ever, that has slight hearing problem and also plays the drums)
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  5. cabanaboy1

    cabanaboy1 Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jul 26, 2014
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    SW Florida
    +33 / 0
    I totally agree with FFC/WBA. Music is way to loud and the DJ's play the same exact music every night, the songs are just in a different order. My wife and I left early on two nights. The DJ's need to read the crowd. I love this place, but the music has to change someway or somehow.
  6. Matt and Lisa

    Matt and Lisa Guru Registered Member

    Feb 1, 2019
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    Anchorage, Ak
    +1,757 / 5

    I may have an unpopular opinion in this thread, but here it goes. When we go and it’s the boogie night theme the dance floor is almost always a ghost town because they try to stick to the theme. The people that typically get up there and dance just don’t dance to that music. This last time that we were there people complained about the 70s theme stuff because it killed the vibe and most people were just headed back to their room or just looked bored. I’m not saying that the standard music they play is a whole lot better but those “youngsters” that are up on stage just don’t listen to that stuff. Music is one of those things that are so difficult to get right with the eclectic mix of people that go there. I don’t think anyone is right or wrong here. Certainly it’s not something that I would be super upset about. As long as you have friends around that you meet there then it will always be a good time.
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  7. matchandherbetterhalf

    matchandherbetterhalf I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Dec 9, 2017
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    I think it would be reasonable for Boogie Night to mix in 70's and 80's music with the stuff the "youngsters" like, so everyone is happy (or at least no one is too UNhappy).
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  8. T&D PA

    T&D PA Regular Registered Member

    May 20, 2015
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    Oxford, PA
    +284 / 1
    Everyone has their own opinion about the music. I noticed the last time we were there in 2016, the music sucked and was a huge buzz kill for us. I can never understand how a DJ cannot read the crowd and notice what they are and are not dancing to. With that said, we are bringing our Bose speaker so we can have our own dance parties in our room.
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  9. RedSkiBums

    RedSkiBums Guru Registered Member

    Feb 19, 2014
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    Some town in the hinterland of BC, Canada
    +1,429 / 8
    For clarification, we've been to TTR 5 times, have never had a bad night/day while there, are early-50's (HTF did that happen?), and fit the "mom and dad gone wild for a week" demographic.

    We were at TTR in late-April and they'd brought in a guest DJ (Rob ?) from Canada, who played for 2 nights at BASH and 1 or more afternoons at the sexy pool. There was a noticeable increase in both the number of people dancing at BASH and the general happy vibe at the pool when he was on duty. We spoke with him at the pool and BASH a few times, once at length, and he said it's definitely a tough job at TTR because of the varied crowd, much moreso than any of the clubs he'd worked (he currently manages and DJ's one).

    Our $0.02, just sayin'.
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  10. Mark and Staci

    Mark and Staci I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Oct 7, 2012
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    I swear to sweet baby jeezus, that the THUMP, THUMP, THUMP that starts at 11 in the morning at the sexy pool is the SAME GD SONG ALL DAY on repeat!! How in the hell can anyone like the same beat ALL DAY???

    Same at Bash. No one hardly on the dance floor with the same EDM stuff, then they finally mix in a couple of 90's tunes, and the dance floor is rockin.

    Seems like an easy fix....unless they really dont care what we think.
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