Don't like to bring too much cash with me. Have a great UK credit card that doesn't charge me for overseas ATM cash withdrawals, so I prefer to use that method. My question is, is there an ATM in or within walking distance from the hotel? TIA. Xx
I've been using ATM machines with a UK and Mexican card for 15 years, debit not credit though. I think my wife uses it every f***ing day Only ever had a problem once, when the machine didn't dispense any money but took it out of my account anyway. The bank refunded it. Don't use the one in the gift shop. Charges are ridiculous and quite a while back people reported fraudulent charges through some kind of skimming device. Nothing recent though. Always use a bank provided machine and not a private one. Main banks are Bancomer, Banamex, HSBC, Santander, CIBanco probably some others I forget. Always check for skimming devices, no larger chance than anywhere else in the World but checking is something you should do everywhere. At the hotel, turn left, go through the car park. There is a convenience store at the end of the parking lot. On the far side of the convenience store there is a bank machine that dispenses both Pesos and Dollars. Been a while since I used it but certainly used to be the case. While your bank may not charge for withdrawals the Mexican bank will. It's normally 30 Pesos or so, but it varies +/- 10 Pesos depending on the bank. Watch out for the machine asking if you accept the exchange rate, if you say yes they'll give you a worse rate than if you say no. Also, they'll often ask if you want to make a donation to a charity. 5 pesos or thereabouts . Obviously that's up to you, but something to be aware of.