Hey y'all. Thanks for all the great info on here. Very helpful. Our first visit is coming 4/25-4/30. Can anyone tell us what brands the vodka, tequila and rum are for the premium bar, and for the basic bar? Also, what booze is in basic room? Thank you! -The Swirlers Professional Drinkers
This is the list of the premier bar items they "should" have. The regular bars have the normal brand stuff:: Skyy, Absolute, Captians, Bacardi, Milagro, Jose, etc. There isn't booze in the rooms. Just sodas, tomato juice, water, beer: Dos Equis, and Tecata. (I could be off with the beers though, they might change) You're welcome! -Steve Professional Drunk (see you on the 27th)
S-Steve... is there actually a "Premium Bar?" I thought it was all the same bar... we just got Premium stuff because we're Premium people? Well, that's not quite right. The members deck I suppose would qualify as a premier-only bar, wouldn't it. Ignore me, I just answered myself.
Thanks, I'm not much of a liquor connoisseur. I started drinking Brandy a year ago, picked one of the shelf E&J, liked it, and haven't tried anything else. Drink vanilla Brandy on the rocks, and mix the regular stuff with diet root beer pretty much every night. I was looking to do something similar at TTR this time. I know they won't have any flavored Brandy though. Are any of those available for non premier?
Where’s the Jack Daniels? Don’t they consider it Premier or have I been drinking what the peasants can have and thinking I was special???
Will be there as first timers on referral in 2.5 weeks, couldn't be more excited! What are the daily Premier bar hours? Trying to figure out how many bottles to plan to bring for when it's closed.
You’ll always be able to get the same drinks at any of the bars. The Premier bar near the Sexy Pool doesn’t serve unique booze...it’s just a nice little spot open to Members only with some light food available and no lines for drinks.