On a side note, is a g-string/thong swimsuits bottoms acceptable for women to wear in the topless pool? And if so what percentage of women wear them?
Absolutely! That's all I wear down there! I would guess and say on a given day, about 50% plus are wearing a thong bikini bottom at the pool.
I would say that there are more thong bikinis than micro strings, but no problem if you want to wear one of those too. You defineltly see some girls wearing the micros! TTR is very non-judgemental and you can just wear what you are comfortable with!
She rocks it every night. We are even doing a black tape only costume for her on one of the nights. We are there that weekend too!
You can wear pretty much what ever you want. The themes are fun..............BUT you don't have to participate. Do your thing.......wear what you want....basically as little as you WANT. Through the years We've seen most everything from saran wrap.....to men's white dress shirts unbuttoned to full on FETISH wear!