Side note... Joe paid 1200 for 5 nights of our low level room and 600 for both of our tickets combined. I spent a LOT of time looking for the best deal we could get. I'm paying for everything else, extras, checked bags, HIS clothes, my clothes, supplies, Boobs Cruise, parasailing, airport transfer... If it was much more we would not have been able to afford to go.
From what songs I have heard it can be a little more mellow, but still sounds amazing. I'd compare to some MGMT. Thanks for the idea, The Now Now getting downloaded once I get home
Ya know, I wish I could say I still liked them hahamydouchey rave people way back in the day played it so much it made me sick. It was really good while it lasted. And if you catch me at the right level of saucy and electric feel comes on.. well... nothing else in the world matters to me hahaha
The DJ’s cannot read so it makes no difference what is posted here. And if you push too hard they either pretend not to speak English or they simply say they don’t know it or have it. They do what they want!
Unless it's a DJ,you k ow a REAL DJ that is part of an actual lineup of performers, that plays their own set not just music off of an ipod, then yeah that's ridiculous Haha. Maybe I'll bring along a speak and spell for them. Everyone deserves a chance to learn how to read Haha Also the Mercedes half of @Matt and Mercedes can speak Spanish. No excuses now!!!!
Yes!! I’m 100% with you on this! If the music causes you any grief when you’re partying at Bash on a beautiful night in paradise with your spouse and old and new’s not the music. It’s you who needs to change!!
Wow. That was bold. Like how this just turned into personal attacks on my character. I'm actually a great time. And I won't act like a princess about the music but I'm also not going to hang around much if its lame. I just dont want to feel like I have to miss out on the party Haha
This is exactly why it’s impossible for TTR to please even half of people with their playlist. Everyone has drastically different tastes. You may think your music is great and someone else’s overplayed. Music is like politics with a lot of people and most have strong opinions on it. Im just happy to have a good time enjoying the pool and warm weather with my amazing wife. Can’t wait to have her in the pool and on the dance floor in her tiny outfits. Anything else that goes right(like a favorite song) is just a bonus after that. Winter has been too long and we are ready to be there already. 13 days to go!
I think baby boomers and millennials are just going to forever be mortal enemies. They can have their classic rock and their fireball. We can have our recycling and youthful cartilage and hippidy hop. Let's stop trying to force anything. Hahahahahhaha