We just booked. I agree with Kyle that the prices were cheaper before 2/18. I was afraid that another price increase was on the way. We have cruised several times and always went with a balcony room. With the prices. we decided an interior room would be OK. It’s about the party, not spending time in the room. After looking at availability, it looks like they are over 50% booked.
I went out to the website, built a spreadsheet, listing booked, available and total rooms by floor by bulkhead.
I thought I was intense in the way I looked at things.. One thing to remember in that calculation is it doesn't take into account how many of those remaining rooms are below the main deck (read porthole only) or interior.. yeah I know like at TTR the room never matters but on a ship it does.... there's a reason those rooms are much cheaper. Jamie
We are on deck 9 also! You should check out a FB group called TTR cruise 2020 . Our friend Gary started the page and he is putting together a map of everyones room numbers. Can't wait for this trip!