I think you may have it backwards actually I had a fee and interview for my global entry and to be sure I wasn’t mistaken I reread the rules.. globalentryservices.org
Sometimes, terminology can be confusing - so I thought I would post detailed info so everyone can make the appropriate choices. There are 3 programs. 1) The first is called Mobile Passport control and it is a free app you can download to your phone or tablet. No interview or preregistration is needed. However, it can only be used at 26 airports (but most likely the vast majority of flights from Cancun fly into one of those 26) . There are dedicated processing lines and no paper forms need be filed out on the plane. I have never used this app since I had Global Entry before the app was available. I was told be someone who used it that it was as fast or faster then Global Entry (in their opinion). (I believe this is what you called Global Entry). Mobile Passport Control | U.S. Customs and Border Protection 2) TSA Pre - this is a domestic program only. You are required to fill out forms (online) and they do some sort of background check. Then you are required to go for an "interview" - which is mostly a fingerprint and picture process. Cost is $85 for 5 years. When you have TSA pre, you are able to use the pre-check line that most airports have and you are not required to remove shoes, laptops, belts, liquids and jackets. TSA says that in January 2019, 94% of TSA-Pre passengers waited less than 5 minutes. TSA Pre✓® 3) Global Entry - this is the program that gives you expedited processing when your return to the US from a foreign country. Some process to apply as TSA-Pre (perhaps there are more questions to answer). Cost is $100 for 5 years. Major additional benefit - when you have global entry you are also considered TSA-pre and do not have to apply/pay for the TSA-Pre. Some countries have reciprocal arrangements and allow expedited entry when US citizens with Global Entry visit those countries. But each has its own rules - you should check them for any country you are visiting on the global entry website. For example, Mexico has their own program - for US citizens to be able to use it when entering Mexico, you first MUST have US Global Entry. Then you apply (on the web) for the Mexican program and will have to complete an interview at a location in Mexico. Global Entry home page Global Entry | U.S. Customs and Border Protection International Information (info available for US citizens going to reciprocal countries as well as citizens of those traveling to the US). International Arrangements | U.S. Customs and Border Protection One final note - many credit cards will reimburse you for the fee. Len
Thank you Lenn. That explains it very well. I didn’t know about the third choice, Global Entry We have used the Mobil Passport App. Skipped all the lines when coming back into USA, flashed our phones to the agent and went right through. Thanks for the credit card tip. I will have to check into that. I like FREE.
hi can anyone do this? or only US citizens? we're australian but coming from vegas? would love to reduce airport time in lines if possible
If you are headed into Mexico it is their customs and immigration form, so I would think coming from any other country it would be possible to use the pre-printed form. And every hotel in Vegas offers a printing service as part of the nightly fee. I think you can do it.