we will be at TTR April 20-27.... would love to find a single female or a married female to film us while we play, your hubby can watch!
Sorry, maybe the sarcasm didn’t come through enough with my terse response. The original topic is phone usage around restricted areas, though your contribution is a bit counter to that. You’ll probably want to create a new thread on cancunswingers.com you’ll have better luck making those connections.
The whole thing is about trusting people to be honest and not take pics of anyone else who doesn't want to be photographed or video recorded.....then someone you know tells you they've seen pics of you on social media! WTF! Keep the fuckin phone and cams in your rooms!!! Like others have said, some peoples' jobs depend on discretion. If there's a hard line, there is way less chance of seeing someone getting mad and ripping some other asshole's head off! Sorry, but it just seems like we've hit all of the bad experiences in just 2 trips. There will always be some idiot that will ruin it for others, so why risk it? Take note that there's not an idiot that will keep us from going to our fun place.