Book bash tower through group or trendy ocean view through resort for april?

Discussion in 'Temptation Cancun' started by Rhino99, Jan 24, 2019.

  1. Rhino99

    Rhino99 Newbie Registered Member

    Nov 20, 2018
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    looking at arriving on April 4th for 4 nights. There is a takeover at that time and this is our first trip to TTR so we know nothing about what rooms are best or worth the $ etc. Do we book a Bash tower room through the group or go the cheaper route and get a Trendy Ocean view for less outside of the group. Just don’t want to miss out on anything. Thanks for the help.
  2. ScubaSteve

    ScubaSteve CCC's The Dude Registered Member

    Jul 29, 2014
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    You won't miss out on anything either way. I don't think you really gain any advantage booking via the take-over (though maybe that rate for the bash tower is less for the take-over group, than it normally would be)

    It really will boil down to the wanting to stay in the tower, or not. And what the price difference is. Some people like the tower more, some people don't care, and some people like the ocean view rooms that are outside of the tower. I do think either of those choices though are better than booking a garden view (not that these are all that bad either, but there are some rooms that are better than others, so you take more of a chance)
  3. Rhino99

    Rhino99 Newbie Registered Member

    Nov 20, 2018
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    So the garden view rooms are better in your opinion especially considering they’re half the price of the bash tower?
  4. ScubaSteve

    ScubaSteve CCC's The Dude Registered Member

    Jul 29, 2014
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    Garden view. Or ocean view?

    The Garden view are lowest tier, some of them are sweet though, and others are smaller and might not have the best view.

    The Ocean are similar in similar in location and style to the garden view, but there aren't any in locations that have a compromised view or a smaller footprint.

    The Bash rooms are in the central tower. So you 100% know the location and view. They are larger. But they do cost more.

    If you don't care at all about what room you get, book garden. If you don't want to pay a higher price, but want to make sure you have a room in a good location, book ocean. If you don't mind payment more, and want to stay in the tower in a larger room, book Bash.

    If you talking half the price, that's a pretty big factor.
  5. tbayfinn

    tbayfinn Enthusiast Registered Member

    Jun 25, 2012
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    You don't typically spend a lot of time in the room, so garden view is good for most people.
  6. Jen&Kyle

    Jen&Kyle I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 12, 2010
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    Ok, so I think a lot of the responses so far are on room type but I am interpreting your post to mean more than room type, right? Re 'just dont want to miss out on anything' in relation to the takeover.

    We are visiting April 2-7 and were faced with the same dilemma.

    On one hand we like takeovers (if it is the right takeover) as it tends to result in like minded people.

    On the other hand we dont like takeovers at TTR as it tends to divide the party and some of the takeovers try to be exclusive which is what TTR is definitely not about.

    This takeover will have their own theme nights and will have private events at the sky bar and meet n greets and room crawls for just the takeover group. We dont like the exclusivity of it all but like you mention we dont want to miss out on anything.

    Adding to the decision is the takeover has all of the tower rooms (Bash, Lush, Master and Penthouse) and most, if not all, of the Plush jacuzzi rooms. I think they are advertising 130+ rooms for the group. So pretty clear this is a larger takeover. For us the rooms matter and we like the Tower as the rooms are newer, closer to the action and give you access to the sky bar which we love.

    The clincher for us was that sky bar space. Always thought it was a great place for a party. Been disappointed that there never are a lot of people up there. So now with the takeover will have 130 rooms up there at once, should be amazing party.

    End result is we booked with the takeover and decided the extra $ (we are paying more for a tower room than we ever have... another disadvantage of the takeover) was worth being a part of the party and not missing out on anything. We still plan to party with the non-takeover folks but at least now we can do both and won't be restricted in any way.

    Let me know if you want more details on the takeover specifically.
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  7. Rhino99

    Rhino99 Newbie Registered Member

    Nov 20, 2018
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    Thank you. That was what I was hoping to hear. Those are our thoughts as well. If you have anymore info on the takeover please share. Thanks again!
  8. ScubaSteve

    ScubaSteve CCC's The Dude Registered Member

    Jul 29, 2014
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    If no one has any direct connect to the takeover itself, is it really a takeover? That's that part I don't understand about this. If i remember correctly wasn't it just called something like "crazy couples" or something? Isn't that what most people are already, haha.

    Is it just some travel company that made a deal with the hotel, and is filling the rooms with "Randoms" from their advertised website. Not to say Kyle or Rhino are random, but like if this isn't like part of an already established community/click where like 80% of the group already know one another from some outside source, what is the connection? If it isn't invite only, allowing any random person to book directly from the 3rd party website, then isn't it just a group of strangers just like any other time period at the hotel?

    I would understand more if it was like when Kyle goes to Desire for the EDM takeover, that's like the tie that binds/theme. Or when a swingers club all does a takeover. Or like when TTR people all went and took over other locations during the closure. I'm not complaining or saying anything negative. More so just confused because I guess months back when I looked at it, there wasn't like any theme or connection.

    Sorry Rhino, if I didn't fully understand your original question. What Kyle said makes more sense with there being exclusive stuff. Does that mean there will be special bands, and other people won't be able to access rooms in the tower, or the skybar (outside of the nighttime exclusive parties)?
  9. Jen&Kyle

    Jen&Kyle I can choose my own title Registered Member

    Jan 12, 2010
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    Will provide some clarify 1 paragraph at a time...

    You are mixing this up with the end of April takeover which is more what you state... a travel group.

    This is a group with a website. A lifestyle group. I dont know the % but I think more than half will already know each other. They have a forum like this and run almost monthly events in Texas.

    Actually it is the same group that ran the EDM takeover. I think what you looked at was the end of April group. We only know a few couples from that EDM takeover that are going to this takeover. But we are bringing some couples from home for this trip too. So we expect to know a few from the takeover, have our friends from home, friends from ccc and always like meeting new people. Hoping for a good combination.

    Yes, they are bringing their own dj's. Djs will be at both sky bar and Bash. Tower rooms are reserved for only the takeover as I understand it. The group has the skybar reserved for 4/2 and 4/4 night and 4/3 day. There will be separate meet n greets 4/2, 4/5, 4/6 and a room crawl 4/5 night.
    Bash remains for all.
  10. ScubaSteve

    ScubaSteve CCC's The Dude Registered Member

    Jul 29, 2014
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    Ahhhh all that makes 100% more sense. I was confusing it with that end of the month one, cause that's more the time period I am going, and was reading more into that.

    Well that all sounds pretty good for you guys! And you even convinced some friends from home to join. Let me know how that plays out, cause I'm always a little leery. But I am sure you fully communicated and prepped them all.

    Sounds like with all the events and special stuff, it will probably be worth the extra money. Should change things up at the resort a bit. Which could go either way, and I am sure will be very individually evaluated.
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