Looks like it is available on prescription as Ergocaf (Ergotamine and Caffeine) Probiomed, Mexico Please follow this link for the usual names for it in different countries. It may not be current since it is listed in Australia but Novartis does not market it here anymore: fortunately it is not banned here and therefore can be made up if needed. Ergotamine - Drugs.com
Migraines feel like a Hangover and for those that don't get migraines hangovers are like migraines; see this article from the American Migraine Foundation. It is why this stuff is a magic cure. But best to check with your doctor and chemist to see if you can take it since some people with peripheral vascular disease, heart stents etc should avoid it. Also there are certain meds you should not be on if you have to take cafergot. Good luck for those who can take it and find it Migraine Hangover - What is Postdrome? | American Migraine Foundation
I clicked on your link and discovered that in Mexico the drug is called: Sydolil Or wait, maybe that's the brand name.
So I had to do further research immediately as I never heard of this drug before. One of erotamine's properties is that it's a serotonin agonist. Alpharomeo1977, this makes me think that it addresses the low feeling of a hangover... in your experience do you find it improves your mood? It's also apparently an oxytocic, which is a drug that helps induce labour and a vasoconstrictor which -as you responsibly mentioned- isn't good for peripheral vascular disease. Imma still try it if I can
Yes that's right. I just took it one night years ago after a night of heavy partying when I felt that the hangovers felt like my migraines And the next morning I was the only sober person at work. I was stunned. Alcohol causes vadodilation and Ergotamine's vasoconstrictor property counteracts it. A heavy night out or use of stimulants in any form exhausts Serotonin reserves and that's why we feel down after a high. It makes perfect sense to use Ergotamine than just plain old water and paracetamol
My mood today is soo normal despite a heavy night of drinking last night. I'm being productive in my office today than be in bed feeling sorry for myself. It certainly works for the mood too
I drink half a liter of water before I go to bed, and half the heart beat I wake up, chase that with a shit shower and shave, then 2 strong coffees and im good to go.
We bring gastrolyte with us every year. It's basically the adult version of pediyalite. Comes in a powder form. We mix it up before we head put to bash for the night and again when we get back for the night while eating our cheeseburgers. To date, neither of us have ever woken up at Temptation with any sort of hangover (touch wood, lol)