Hello everyone! We are looking to book a quick trip but can't decide which dates to choose. This is our first trip and looking for a little guidance. The dates were looking at are Feb 9th-13th or Feb 16th-20th. We just want to make sure there is a good crowd and group of people there when we go. Thanks in advance.
Mid Feb is really busy. Either of your choices will be good. We are there 16, 17, 18 with a Penthouse party on 17th for Jannet's birthday.
We’re there 15th-23rd for the Shitshow week. It is an awesome group of people. The week before is The No Bra Club week and we know many of the people that week as well and they are also amazing.
Feb is going to be wild, shit show crew is in full swing and the Now Bra Club. Not sure if you will be able to book or not. We are Feb 20-27, come down for the party if you can
Welcome to the Shitshow group. Look forward to meeting you. Come join the thread for this group. ***February ShitShow2019 *** Jay & Jacquie