Here is a pic of the construction taking place. It was further along than this by the time we left. We banged quietly in order to not disturb the workers, unlike certain other people on the thread
7000 = 1st floor 8000 = 2nd floor 9000 = 3rd floor Nice and quiet, we had 9338 just last week and enjoyed it.
If you are in the middle of the horseshoe of the quiet pool rooms, and facing the ocean, then I would describe it like this. The rooms on the left hand side are closest to the sexy pool, and everything else that you want to get to. The one closest to the ocean is 7319 I believe. We stayed in 7316, once and liked it. As you go away from the ocean, on the left side, the room closest to the Scores, is 7301 I believe. We were in 7306, it was the third room. There are a few room on the left hand side of that hallway, but they aren't considred "quiet pool rooms," but I believe they continue with the numbering sequence. That entire hallway, we would consider the best room, and we waited extra for one of those to be ready. The least desirable, would be the ones on the opposite side. The ones at the base of the horseshoe would be second choice for a wing.
Thanks so much! last trip we were 2nd floor in the middle of "horse shoe" facing quiet pool and we liked it. Just could not remember room number and would pick same area again.