Apologies if asked or already exists somewhere but cant seem to find exactly it exactly. What does everyone wear for Glow night theme wear? Feel free to share your favorites. Looking for ideas. Male and Female attire
This might fall under working too hard to have fun but I bought an little UV flashlight to see how what and how things look when lit up. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0198B656Y/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
This is what Kath wore. Sexy and fun !! http://www.cancuncare.com/forum/media/tutu-ready-to-go.55129/
I made neon battery powered suspenders and bow tie, plus 700 glowsticks for the rest of the outfit. You won't be able to miss me. !
Very nice!!! I bought a blacklight and it permanantly stays on my counter in my closet!!! We have to make sure it GLOWS!!! XOXOXOX Dawn