I wanted to let you know about something new at Temptation that officially opens today. This is also available at both Desire resorts "The Hangover Team" provide an IV Hydration Therapy service which helps with hangovers, dehydration and other travel related illnesses. The objective being to get you back to the party as soon as possible if you're feeling a little rough. The service is administered directly in your room by highly qualified medical professionals. You can inquire about the service at the spa, or speak to 'Magic Mike' who is on site daily and can be found around the sexy pool. I am sure @Mike L. could also answer any questions you may have here. There are a few links below for further information What do you guys think? Personally, I hate needles and it's probably not something I'd use myself. How about you? More Info at https://hangoverteam.com.mx/ and Hydration Therapy In Cancun | Best Hangover Cure For 2020
Ha...don’t think I’m getting IVs from “Magic Mike” and his highly trained assistant! That’s what the water in my vodka water is for!
It works really well, at least for me. Perks of being married to a paramedic I guess. However, I trust my wife but “Magic Mike” not so much......
Agree with you @Steve . Would give this a miss as well. Don't enjoy needles, nor an IV siphon inserted into my wallet either. And if you're not already a Premier Member, maybe they poke you a bit harder ? Some interesting info about the practice in this news story: "IV lounges" a trendy health fad, but are they safe? - CBS News
Haha Magic Mike is the sales guy. The IV process itself is done by a Doctor (not even Nurses) after a health screening. In fact one of the Doctors involved is the personal Doctor of many of the De La Pena family (ie. hotel owners)
I trust my own personal Nurse of over 25 years...Reliable Ray (as opposed to Magic Mike)! We bring our own supplies but have not yet got so bad we had to use them. Rayanne was an IV Therapist for 11years and can stick even the tiniest NICU patient with her eyes closed and hands tied behind her back! I have witnessed it and much more.
I like the idea, but getting an injection from Magic Mike by the pool doesn't seem like good idea. Also when I hear injection from Magic Mike....IV fluids is not where my head goes.
Then if we have supplies you and I are good to go...if we need it! I mix Propel with my water and vodka so I can hydrate and drink at the same time. She kerps telling me it doesn’t work that way, but I feel better anyway