Not taking credit for the idea, but I think it is brilliant! Saves so much time and frustration when getting ready! For the newbies. The black lacquer doors all look the same and it is hard to see where one ends and the other begins. The 'Post-Its' really help!! A dozen should do the trick.
We were so damn confused which side to open them from and who's stuff was in which cabinet. Great idea. Thanks.
I thought after a couple days I would start to remember what was behind each door, but I never did. Maybe it had something to do with the 7 day fog from alcohol.
Kinda excited for White&Gold night on the 16th...just finished ordering the wife’s outfit and it should be ❤️
Nice...I bought mine a couple options. Not sure what she will pick...I’m sure the less is more option
It was until the resort announced the anniversary party that night and requested everyone wear white and gold.