Shoot, I forgot they actually celebrate Dia de las Muertes over 2 nights. I was curious to actually leave the property on the 1st and experience the actual culture of Nov. 1 somewhere... Like an actual cemetery. If anyone is interested... November roll call should be up by now. Count me in please!
Cross post to the BooB Cruise one but We need more boobs on the October 26th one. For all those who will be there and had wanted the one on the 29th, lets make this the alternative
Seems there will be many doing this, glad we won't be the only ones.... Yes, it is but no chatter as to a specific group for the first week no certain plans for anything special ..... I will certainly add you to the growing list!!! D
I was answering Spicy's questions the fact that we'd be dressing up, not that we were going to a cemetery. LOL That's what they do? I really had no idea how they celebrated this, I just know from movies and such parades and costumes in the streets ...Didn't realize it was walking through graveyards but makes D
SOOO.... This is my very limited understanding of Dias de Las Muertes. But I'm sure others will correct me, and/or can chime in/research this... My first TTR Halloween, in 2015, on the flight back I met someone who explained to me that she had gone to Mexico specifically to experience Dias de Las Muertes. (English translation: Day of the Dead, which in the Anglo world is All Saints Day; I'm just going to refer to it as DLM for short). I think on Nov. 1 they commemorate children and single people who have passed. And on the 2nd they pay tribute to married people who are deceased. This woman said she had gone into a cemetery in the interior of Mexico (I'm not looking to go too far out of Cancun at all...) And that family and friends gather at the graves of loved ones to memorialize them through all their favorite things. They play their beloved's favorite music, dance their favorite dance, eat their favorite foods and toast to them and imbibe on their favorite drinks. And they light candles and do this all night. It sounded like it would be so interesting to participate in paying tribute to someone's loved one this way and observe this tradition firsthand. She had done it and said it was really interesting to see and inspiring to be a part of. She said there were like a ton of mini celebrations going on throughout the cemetery. So this is all I know. Now the reality part. I think if we're going to be in Mexico over Nov. 1 it would be wonderful if it worked out to experience this. (My flight is Nov. 2 so that is out for me.) I'd be interested in going somewhere during the day on the 1st or late night after Bash (like 1 am or later the night of the 1st) because I probably wouldn't want to miss my last night in Bash. This is obviously something we would not wear costumes/sexy wear for... But I have no details beyond that. I don't know where the nearest cemetery is or anything. We probably would need input from a local (bartender, DJ, entertainer, etc.) If there is some sort of local touristy thing that they do in Cancun I haven't heard of it but I rarely leave the resort. If someone knows of something touristy that might be an idea too or instead but it's not really what I'm talking about. Should I/we start another thread so as to not hijack this one?
I kinda think this would be neat BUT isn't that also infringing on others privacy with their loved ones by joining in on a strangers family celebration of there loss?? I mean I'm not trying to be a party crasher here but also don't want to be a grave crasher either LOL Unless it's something that isn't minded by the locals?? I mean did she know someone there to do it with? did she say? Just curious.... D
Yeah, I wondered that as well. No, it sounded like she just ventured out and participated. She made it sound like it's not like crashing a funeral, it's like helping memorialize them in a celebration. Maybe I'll try and talk to some locals... Steve, do you have any thoughts/knowledge on this?