When we were there in July six of us checked in, none of the other four (all younger) knew anything basically about the hotel, theme nights or Cancun Care....let alone the Boobs Cruise....... thought the new generation were tech savvy !!
This really is something that depends on the week....Meaning it can change week to week, and you might have a lot of people in themes wear some weeks and not other times. This really is something that depends on the night...Meaning some nights will have much higher participation than others. (lingerie, white, glow being way more popular than the harder nights. For example, superhero and heaven and hell) This really is something that will depend on your group...Meaning you could get there for your first visit and immediately make friends with people that have been there many times before. If you end up hanging out with those people at night, they will most likely be in theme gear. But if you end up making friends with other newbies, than chances are they haven't found this forum, nor did their research, and aren't all decked out for the themes. This really is something that will depend on you...meaning if you are wild and outgoing, you will probably make friends with other people that are wild and outgoing, and chances are they might also be just as prepared as you are. This really is something that depends on what videos you found and what time they were taken...meaning someone recording something earlier in the night (post dinner), then putting it up you tube is going to paint different picture than the crews that show up at Bash at 11:00 dressed up. Think of the expression "the freaks come out at night". There two certainties with the themes: 1. It doesn't matter. Maybe 50% of the people are dressed, but who cares. If you show up post 10:30 (with or without your bells on) in outrageous/extreamly skimpy outfits, no one will bat an eye. You might get some looks; but they aren't ever looks like: "why the F are they wearing that" They are more looks like "Damn, that's nice! I wish I would have been more prepared and/or less self-conscience." 2. The people that are the most done up, seem to be having the most amount of fun.
Thanks Steve that kind of sums up my hours of research. They should make that part of a standard Q&A thread.
And just for a visual. Here are some people that clearly don't give a shit what they are wearing, or who is looking at them (I would love to post pictures of the girls, but they are pretty much illegal to put online ) Pope-in aint easy!
Pics of a few of mrs’s more conservative outfits are in our album we did have more but i dont think steve wants that posted on his site ;-) (.Y.)
Doing the final packing, I have to say as a 1st timer getting ready for TTR is some of the strangest packing I have ever done. But boy does it have potential!