I hope they bring back Pedro he worked super great with Shelby Mike Natasha and Mini Cooper he had his way at night to get the crowd going what's bringing up different ladies I hope the management reads this and brings back the ones that really made a difference
I don't think Pedro will be back as a playmaker, he initially went to Premier but has moved on from there to a new business venture and he may be around TTR on occasion. I have a meeting with him tomorrow and may be helping out in a limited capacity. I should be able to say more in a few days. Shelby now works in the gym and isn't around during the day, but may be around at night sometimes. Natasha is rarely seen in the day too. Rene the Italian guy who hasn't been there very long is leaving - he has some personal stuff he needs to deal with back in Italy, but may be back after that.
...... and Marina the Russian girl (who got naked on the Boobs Cruise last Monday, as did Rene). Also Char and Kelly from England are current playmakers.
Noelia/Lollipop is back in Cancun soon but wont be rejoining the Ents staff at TTR. She is working on her own business.
Thing is you cant just bring back someone because they were popular with guests, the person concerned has to actually want to come back too. They are a young bunch of people and have their own lives and dreams to pursue whether that be other jobs, business, more traveling or family. The majority leave of their own accord and look back at the job as a great time, but just a temporary step on their own life's path.