There is another group coming in for the first week of November but it’s a private group. I can’t post their themes without their permission.
SEX TOY PARTY Hi Everyone, I was talking with AJ, and realized she just added a small line in the Weeks Events of whats going on and I wanted to just elaborate with a bit more detail and her permission of course! On Monday the 29th at 9:00 pm in the sports bar, we are going to gather for a Sex Toy party exchange via a Yankee Christmas Swap Style Party!! These are loads of fun!! Just gonna let ya all know whats what!! 1. Bring 1 New Unused Wrapped Toy with around a $15 limit ($5 below or $5 over is fine but nothing to lavish) 2. We will do this as a couples thing, Singles would take way to long and be 2 gifts per couple! 3. Come dressed for the evening events in Bash as we will just go there afterwards 4. ENJOY the fun!! So Not knowing if all or any of you (I'm sure some or many have but for those that haven't) have ever heard of or played this before, there are many different versions and variations and we can certainly change it up if someone has a funner way of playing but here is what I've done in the past: First person picks and opens all ohh ahhhh... 2nd person picks and has the choice to steal the first person's or open what he picked. If he steals, then the first person opens the gift that the 2nd person has picked & gave him and that's his unless stolen from someone else. Then the 3rd person goes and same thing happens....until everyone has a gift. A gift can only be stolen 3 times before it's locked in and cannot be stolen any more after that!! Once all the gifts are done the Very First person who went Gets the Very Last Turn as he Never got a chance to Steal a gift He can go and choose to steal any gift that is not frozen or Keep the gift he has, his choice!! We are also doing this as Couples thing and not a singles (unless you are there as a single of course.) If you have any question please let myself (Donna) or Pvtnurse4u (Marlena) know as we are coordinating this event together and please let us know if you'd like to participate so we know how many to expect! So far we have about 15 couples interested! D